sisby-folk / tinkerers-quilt

A minecraft modpack that adds nothing - including accessibility improvements, character customization, rebalanced difficulty, and a fully in-game tutorial for vanilla. On modrinth at:
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Mobs sometimes forget they're underwater #28

Closed TerraKnight27 closed 2 months ago

TerraKnight27 commented 7 months ago

I have seen mobs randomly behave like they're not underwater, even though they are In my creative mode testing, I have made some observations:

The bug only triggered for me after traveling around the world for a while (unsure if it's from amount of chunks loaded or time spent in world) The bug is only active in certain chunks, mobs can go from one chunk to another and their underwater state will change I have seen this bug happen with: Cod, Salmon, Squid, Dolphin, Drowned, Guardian, although it is likely this happens with any mob The bug resets upon exiting and re-entering the world

I have also noticed that I am able to jump while standing underwater, although I am unsure if this is a bug or part of a mod

sisby-folk commented 5 months ago

I can't reproduce this, have you been able to reproduce it since? And are there any mods added to the pack? (and which pack edition?)

sisby-folk commented 2 months ago

closing this for staleness