site-u2023 / config-software

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OpenWrt For new settings All-in-one script Suitable for beginners

:warning:Please contact us if you have any problems

Script Selector


Configuration :warning:Japanese notation - [Script Selector]( - [Initial system setup (host name, password, wifi, etc.)]( - [Dynamic frequency selection (DFS)]( - [Guest Wi-Fi (QR code)]( - [Target Wake Time (TWT)]( - [Internet connection setup in Japan (MAP-e, DS-LITE, PPPoE)]( - OCN Virtual Connect automatic configuration (including Nichiban measures) - Only Nichiban countermeasure settings are executed - V6 Plus and IPv6 options automatically configured (including Nichiban measures) - Only Nichiban countermeasure settings are executed - Transix Auto Configuration - Xpass Auto Configuration - V6connect Auto Configuration - PPPoE (iPv4 and IPv6): Authentication ID (user name) and password required - Perform PPPoE IPv4 connection setup - Perform PPPoE IPv4 and IPv6 connection setup - [Recommended Package Installation]([(USB auto-detection)]( - Automatic full installation (recommended package all-in) - Selective Install - Confirmation of packages installed after flashing - [Access point configuration (Dumb / Bridge)]( - [Ad blocker and DNS encryption installation]( - [AdGuard HOME Setup and Installation]( - Administrative web interface settings (port, username, and password only) - [AdBlockd installation and configuration (Japan only)]( - AdBlock installation and configuration (custom filter add-in) - Installation and configuration of AdBlock-fast (custom filter add-in) - [DNS over HTTPS (DoH) configuration and installation]( - [DNS over TLS (DoT) configuration and installation]( - [Home Assistant Installation]( - Other - [Button Setup and Installation]( - [IPERF3 installation and service addition]( - [Location Based Service (LBS) Stop]( - [SAMBA4 and WSDD2 installation]( - [Dynamic frequency selection (DFS)]( - [Guest Wi-Fi (QR code)]( - [Target Wake Time (TWT)]( - [Guest servicing (QR code issuance and random password)]( - Quit ---
Scripts - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - [adguardhome.yaml]( - [adguardhome.yaml-g]( - [htpasswd]( - [htpasswd-x86]( - []( - []( - []( - []( - [HomeAssistant]( - []( - []( - []( - [iperf3]( - []( - []( ---

New settings All-in-one script Suitable for beginners

SSH access with PowerShell

Create startup shortcut for ssh root@ ```sh:powershell: ssh $DESKTOP = ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop") + "\") $WshShell = New-Object -comObject WScript.Shell $Shortcut = $WshShell.CreateShortcut("$DESKTOP") $Shortcut.TargetPath = "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" $Shortcut.Arguments = '-windowstyle hidden -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned "Start-Process ssh root@"' $Shortcut.IconLocation = "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe,0" $Shortcut.WorkingDirectory = "." $Shortcut.Save() ``` ---
:exclamation:If you cannot SSH `C:\Users\yourusername\.ssh\known_hosts` ※Windows Hidden Files ```powershell:powershell Clear-Content .ssh\known_hosts -Force ``` ---

ttyd installation and configuration

:warning:Internet connection setup requires device to be connected directly to ONU (Japan Only)
<details><summary>:exclamation:MAP-e or other IPv4 unconnected</summary> can be connected using IPv6
  - Connect client for setup to LAN1
# IPv6 Usage Settings
uci add network device
uci set network.@device[-1].name='lan1'
uci set network.@device[-1].mtu='1500'
uci set network.@device[-1].ipv6='1'
uci set network.@device[-1].mtu6='1500'
uci commit network
/etc/init.d/network reload

Run Script

Permited only from LAN side

No login authentication

:warning: Can be changed from ttyd settings

:warning: forced termination:`Ctrl`+`c`

### Remove
```sh :SSH
rm -rf /etc/config-software
rm -rf /usr/bin/confsoft





Filer (used like Explorer with WinSCP)



Guest Wi-Fi

AdGuard HOME


Factory reset (initialization)

# attention required
firstboot && reboot now

This will erase all settings and remove any installed packages. Are you sure? [N/y]

Device reset button

Press and hold the reset button on the device for 5 seconds


Beginner's memorandum Introduced from Windows