sitefinitydcx / SF-BOILERPLATED

A Telerik Sitefinity CMS compatible port of popular frameworks as HTML5Boilerplate and Twitter Bootstrap
31 stars 15 forks source link

[Sitefinity boilerplate]

Empty starting points for easy Sitefinity development including ports of HTML5Boilerplate project and Twitter Bootstrap.

Quick start

Read the in each theme/framework folder for installation instructions.

Twbs (Twitter Bootstrap Framework v3.1.1)

Bootstrap (Twitter Bootstrap Framework v2.3.1)

Boilerplate (HTML5Boilerplate v4.3.0)


The favicon.ico comes in 2 flavors. The default favicon.ico is 64x64 which is enhanced for IE9/IE10 sitepinning, an old 16x16 icon is included. All icons are included and referenced in the respective projects, the sitefinity-icons folder is just 'extra'.



Credits are due where credits go and special thanks to @stevemcniven, @rollerboy1 and @timw255. For comments or questions use Github or twitter @jbokkers


Major components:

Everything else:

The Unlicense (aka: public domain)