sitmun / sitmun-backend-core

REST API, back-end business logic and access to DB.
European Union Public License 1.2
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SITMUN backend core

The SITMUN backend core is a key component of the SITMUN software system. It is built using Java 11 and Spring Boot. It provides a REST API that allows users to access the backend business logic and interact with the SITMUN database. The backend core is designed to provide the foundation for the SITMUN system.

The SITMUN backend core is structured as a Gradle multimodule project, which allows for the separation of the code into multiple smaller modules that can be more easily managed and maintained. This structure also allows for greater flexibility in terms of deploying and testing different parts of the software system independently, making it easier to identify and fix issues as they arise.

Code modules

The SITMUN backend core is comprised of two fundamental modules, namely:

Deployment modules

The SITMUN backend core can be deployed using two distinct configurations defined in their respective modules, which are:

It is possible to run the deploy\heroku-dev-full configuration locally by executing the following command:

./gradlew herokuDevLocal

This task expects an .env file with at least the following properties:

With host, database, username and password replaced with your values.

These properties are essential for the proper functioning of the system as they provide the necessary configuration for connecting to the target database and ensure the appropriate Spring profiles are active. Additionally, the property is set to false to prevent automatic commits to the database and maintain better control over transactions.

Docker for local testing

o facilitate local testing of the SITMUN software system, a Docker configuration file named heroku-dev-full.yml has been created. This file is located in the folder docker. This file provides a test environment that includes the latest version of deploy/heroku-dev-full as well as the latest version of the SITMUN administration application, which can be found at

To run the local testing environment, it is necessary to set the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable in an .env file that should be located next to the heroku-dev-full.yml file.

After setting the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable, the following steps can be executed in a terminal:

./gradlew clean :deploy:heroku-dev-full:build :deploy:heroku-dev-full:jibDockerBuild -x test
docker-compose -f docker/heroku-dev-full.yml up -d --build

These commands will first build the deploy/heroku-dev-full configuration files using Gradle, and then create its Docker image using the jibDockerBuild command. The second command will then start the Docker container using the docker-compose tool and make it available for testing locally.

The SITMUN administration application can be accessed at port 8080, while the Backend Core of the software system can be accessed at port 8081. A description of the APIs for the Backend Core can be found at http://localhost:8081/swagger-ui/index.html.

Tooling modules

The cli module of the SITMUN backend core is designed to provide a command line interface for extracting the SQL schema from SITMUN code. This module is tailored to facilitate the extraction process for different types of database drivers (Oracle, Postgres, H2).

Developer documentation

Additional information is available at