sivann / itdb

IT Items Database
GNU General Public License v3.0
154 stars 105 forks source link

ITDB: IT Items Database - Free IT Asset Management Software

Note, this is no longer maintained



ITDB is a web based asset inventory management tool used to store information about assets found in office environments, with a focus -but not lmited to- IT assets. It is not or targets for ITIL/CMDB compliance (yet), but it has served me for years and hopefully it will do the same for you :-)
ITDB comes with sources and is distributed under the GNU Public license.


Please do NOT expose ITDB to the public internet. It is not secure, it is aimed for intranets. If you need to do so, please at least use https and configure an HTTP auth password on your web server so it will be hidden behind a password.


Not really planned any more.



Current release:
6/Mar/2016 version 1.23:
4/Jul/2015 version 1.22:
2/Jul/2015 version 1.21:
25/Oct/2014 version 1.14:
~20/Oct/2014 version 1.13: This version had some unreleased code by mistake.
~23/Dec/2013 version 1.12: itdb-1.12.tar.gz
24/Oct/2013 version 1.11: itdb-1.11.tar.gz
~22/Oct/2013 version 1.10: (wrong db version bundled)
~28/Sep/2013 version 1.9: itdb-1.9.tar.gz

You can download the current development version on GitHub

Previous releases are here.


The DEMO is read-only with limited functionality. The demo may be a bit slow, this is due to my provider, not due to itdb.


The software is distributed under GPL. I would be very happy to receive an email describing how you use it!



Some screenshots are from previous versions.
Some screenshots have been edited to wipe-out private info.


Items Search

Item Edit

Related Item Invoices

Edit Contract

Contract Events

Item Types

Edit Agent

Label Printing

Rack Edit & Side View


Software List

Software Edit

Edit Location

Tree Browser

Translation sample


System Requirements

It has been reported to me that it also runs under MS-Windows but I cannot test it.

Installation instructions

  1. extract the files in a web-exported directory (under the "DocumentRoot")
  2. rename pure.db to itdb.db (pure.db is a blank database)
  3. make the data/itdb.db file AND the data/ directory AND the data/files/ directory readable and writeable by the web server
  4. make translations/ directory readable and writeable by the web server
  5. Login with admin/admin

If you need to find out which sqlite library is used by your apache/php installation, browse to itdb/phpinfo.php or press the small blue (i) on the bottom left of the itdb menu.


Instructions are inside the 00-UPGRADE.txt file

Release Notes

older CHANGELOG is here
For newer releases, you may see the commit log

Copyright © 2008-2016 Spiros Ioannou - printmail('','sivann');



Please consider that my free time is now extremely limited, and so even valid pull requests may not be addressed for a long time.


As I no longer have enough time to improve ITDB, I can only provide bug fixes for newer PHP or browser versions. Please do not ask for new features.


Do NOT expose ITDB to the public internet. It is not secure, it is aimed for intranets. If you need to do so, please configure an HTTP auth password on your web server so it will be hidden behind a password.

Scope of pull requests

Thank you for your time to consider contributing. Please take into account ITDB is only an inventory software. It may offer some basic reporting by quering its own data because it may have access to invoices, users and equipment. ITDB tries to adhere to the do one thing philisophy. ITDB does not and should not aim to provide the functionality of other software e.g. network monitoring tools, finance software or network diagnostics software.

Extent of pull request

Pull requests should fix 1 and only 1 thing. Otherwise it is extremely difficult to test and review.

Bug fixes

Please take the time to consider the following when submitting a bug:

New UI fields pull requests:

Please take the time to consider the following when submitting a generic pull-request :

if the answer is no to at least one of the above then probably you don't need that field. ITDB has a lot of fields on the "no" category, let's not add any more.

Welcomed pull requests

Any pull requests fixing the following would be welcome. Please open a discussion before starting to code.

Major contributions

Minor contributions



Thank you!