sizhelee / Diff-BGM

official code for CVPR'24 paper Diff-BGM
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Diff-BGM: A Diffusion Model for Video Background Music Generation

Official implementation for CVPR 2024 paper: Diff-BGM: A Diffusion Model for Video Background Music Generation

By Sizhe Li, Yiming Qin, Minghang Zheng, Xin Jin, Yang Liu.

1. Installation

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e diffbgm
pip isntall -e diffbgm/mir_eval

2. Training


  1. The extracted features of the dataset POP909 can be accessed here. Please put it under /data/ after extraction.

  2. The extracted features of the dataset BGM909 can be accessed here. Please put them under /data/bgm909/ after extraction. We use VideoCLIP to extract the video feature, use BLIP to gain the video caption then use Bert-base-uncased as the language encoder and use TransNetV2 to capture the shot.
    We also provide the original captions here.

  3. The needed pre-trained models for training can be accessed here. Please put them under /pretrained/ after extraction. The split of the dataset can be find here.


python diffbgm/ --model ldm_chd8bar --output_dir [output_dir]

3. Inference

Please use the following message to generate music for videos in BGM909.

python diffbgm/ --model_dir=[model_dir] --uncond_scale=5.

4. Test

To reproduce the metrics in our original paper, please refer to /diffbgm/test.ipynb.

Backbone PCHE GPS SI P@20 Weights
Diff-BGM (original) 2.840 0.601 0.521 44.10 weights
Diff-BGM (only visual) 2.835 0.514 0.396 43.20 weights
Diff-BGM (w/o SAC-Att) 2.721 0.789 0.523 38.47 weights

We provide our generation results here.

5. Make a Demo by yourself!

After generating a piece of music, you can use the following commands to generate a video.

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg fluidsynth
fluidsynth -i <SoundFont file> <midi file> -F <wav file>
ffmpeg -i <wav file> -b:a <bit rate> <mp3 file>
ffmpeg -i <video file> -i <mp3 file> -c:a aac -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 <output file>

See our demo!