sizhuoli / TreeCountSegHeight

Code for paper
Apache License 2.0
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Tree Counting, Crown Segmentation and Height Prediction at Scale

This repo contains code for the paper Deep learning enables image-based tree counting, crown segmentation and height prediction at national scale

NEW!! Training and testing data released for research purposes

Key features

For the Danish dataset:

Trained models ready for deployment

Download models: :crossed_fingers:

Model names:

trees - date - time - optimizer - lr - input bnads - input shape - no. training tiles - segmentation loss - density loss - boundary weight (for separate individual trees) - model . h5

Working with Google Earth Engine :muscle:

Working with local GPU machine :computer:

Set up conda environment

Depending on your GPU driver, you may try the following environment.yml files to set up the conda environment:

  1. To set up the same environment:

    conda env create -f environment_trees_updated.yml
  2. If the above does not work, try the following to set up the basic environment and install the missing packages manually:

conda env create -f environment_trees_updated_basic.yml

Activate the environment

conda activate tf2151full

Run predictions

Get ready:

  1. Aerial images of arbitrary size, preferably with comparable spatial resolution as the training data (20 cm, otherwise may need downsampling or upsampling)

  2. A proper model downloaded from the link above, or fine-tuned on local data. select a proper model based on the color bands

--- :bookmark: set configs ---



Example prediction can be found in /example_1km_tile_tif/, where a model trained on RGB bands was applied to a 1 km x 1 km tile of aerial image captured in Denmark. You may reproduce the results by running with the provided configs (config/

Tips for direct depolyment :sunglasses:

Finetune / Train using local annotation data

Prepare your own training data :see_no_evil:

Figure 0

Figure 0. Preparing your own tree crown annotation dataset. Delineate tree crowns inclusively within each selected annotating area.

Finetuning typically requires a small local annotation dataset (< 5 k tree crowns)

Run finetuning

Get ready:

  1. A proper model downloaded from the link above, matching the color bands of your local data
  2. Your small local annotation dataset, prepared in the same structure as the Denmark/Finland dataset (downloadable with the link above). To convert from shapefile/geopackage to raster images, check
  3. Recommended: the pretraining data (Denmark dataset), downloadable with the link above
  4. A correct environment set up with the yml file

--- :bookmark: set configs --- config/


Main training code:

Preprocessing for tree crown segmentation and counting

Convert tree crown delineation data (in shapefile or geopackage format) to raster images for training


--- :bookmark: set configs ---


Train 1st model from scratch: Tree crown segmentation & density counting:


--- :bookmark: set configs ---

case1: same input spatial resolution: use config/

case2: inputs of different spatial resolution (only support 1/2 coarser resolution for now): use config/

--- :bookmark: example data for demonstration ---

example input data in: example_extracted_data/


--- :sparkles: major tunable hyperparameters ---

Train 2nd model from scratch: Tree height estimation from aerial images:


--- :bookmark: set configs ---


Test 1st model (results in the paper): segmentation & counting:


--- :bookmark: set configs ---


--- :flags: Example prediction ---

See /example_extracted_data/

:warning: Note that the model was trained using image patch no.41, and thus should not be tested using the same image in the test phrase. Here we simply demonstrate how to apply the model on a test image.

Figure 1

Figure 1. Overview of the framework used to count individual trees and predict their crown area and height. a, Deep learning-based framework for individual tree counting, crown segmentation, and height prediction. Spatial locations of individual trees are incorporated in the tree density maps and the crown segmentation maps. The canopy height map (CHM) derived from LiDAR data provides pixel-wise height information, which, when available for a specific study area, can optionally be used as an additional input band for the individual tree counting and crown segmentation tasks. b, Data preparation and modeling for tree counting and crown segmentation. The manually delineated individual tree crowns are modeled as density maps for the counting task by extracting the polygon centroids. The gaps between adjacent crowns are highlighted for the separation of individual tree crowns during the training phase.

Figure 2

Figure 2. Example products from the proposed framework. a, Wall-to-wall tree count prediction for Denmark. b, Detailed examples showing the individual tree counting (second row), crown segmentation (third row), and height prediction (third row) from three major types of landscapes (deciduous forest, coniferous forest, and non-forest). c, Large-scale individual tree crown segmentation results colored by height predictions. Examples in b and c were sampled from the region indicated by the orange box in a.