reference to DeviceOrientationControlMethod.js
data.js modifications:
Modified data.js file produced by marzipano web-based tool
to include additional data for:
- embedded html (embedHotspots)
- hotspots that respond to looking at a particular location (gazeSpots)
- scene to switch to after certain number of gazeSpots found (manySpotSwitch)
- audio to play on scene switch (switchAudio)
- background audio (bgAudio)
- timeout between slides (slidesTimeout), allows one slideshow per scene created as several images within a div using the class fadein
- and, a script data object for an automatic playlist of view and scene changes
Variables within embedHotspots, gazeSpots:
- yaw, pitch - location on rectilinear projection (in radians), -pitch is up, +pitch is down
embedHotspot specific variables:
- radius - radius in pixels of sphere that html is placed upon (so, lower is closer)
- extraRotations - rotate embedded content in X,Y direction so rectangle is no longer placed tangential to surface of sphere, uses strings of the form 'rotateX(#rad) rotateY(#deg)'
Tip: to place rectangle vertically, rotate X equivalent to pitch of embeddedHotspot.
Tip: to place rectangle horizontally, rotate X equivalent to PI/2 - pitch of embeddedHotspot.
Tip: to rotate rectangle so that it is appears parallel with walls, rotate Y equivalent to difference between embeddedHotspot yaw and yaw when looking directly at wall.
gazeSpot specific variables:
- deviation - tolerance in radians around gazeSpot location to activate it
- target (optional, 'scene switch' type gazeSpot) - id of scenes object this gazeSpot will switch to
- selector (optional, 'embedded content reveal' type gazeSpot) - selector of embedded html to be revealed
- audio (optional, for gazeSpots with audio elements) - array of URLs of audio to be played, i.e. to enable different formats
- timeout - duration in milliseconds of scene switch or reveal
- baseOpacity - opacity element will return to once move off gazeSpot. So, can make elements remain in view if set to 1.0
- maxOpacity (optional) - maximum opacity embedded element will transition to
manySpotSwitch specific variables:
- target - scene to switch to
- trigger - number of gazeSpots to be found before switching
- timeout - duration in milliseconds of scene switch - Note: timeout activates once off gazeSpot, but can accidentally move on/off gazeSpot so this value should be equal to or greater than duration of longest spoken audio clip in scene
script object variables:
- type: "rotate" or "scenechange"
- time: time in milliseconds after which to execute rotation or scene change.
Time is cummulative, so to execute every second use time = 1000, 2000, 3000 etc.
For rotate parameters, see Marzipano documentation:
yawSpeed, pitchSpeed, fovSpeed
yawAccel, pitchAccel, fovAccel
targetPitch, targetFov
To prevent movement stopping between rotate events, set accelerations to Infinity.
Adding New Panoramas
Begin with the web root folder containing the following folders/contents from the repository:
- Use the Marzipano Tool to upload rectilinear image and create files for a web application.
- Duplicate the /template folder and rename with panorama title
- Copy the /tiles folder from the exported web application into new panorama folder
- Cut and paste ‘scenes’ data objects from the exported data.js into panorama folder data.js (and add embedhotspots, gazeSpots and script data objects if using)