sjjlynch / FlickrClone

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Flickr Clone

Heroku link

Minimum Viable Product

FlickrClone is a clone of Flickr built on Rails and Backbone. Basics:

Design Docs

Implementation Timeline

Phase 1: User Authentication, Add profiles, photos, galleries (~2 days)

I will implement user authentication in Rails based on the practices learned at App Academy. By the end of this phase, users will be able to create profiles, galleries, and upload photos (using Filepicker). Also, will enable tagging on photos. Will continually push to Heroku to make sure everything works. Details

Phase 2: Backbone Views (~2 days)

Add routes, Backbone models and collections to fetch data. By the end of this phase, the existing Rails views will have been ported over to Backbone.


Phase 3: Searching for Images and Galleries (~1 day)

I plan to add a search route that finds photos and galleries based on titles and taggings.


Phase 4: Styling, jQuery, CSS (~ 2 days)

Adding CSS, and jQuery features to make it look similar to real Flickr, but more responsive.


Bonus Features (TBD)