AESheet renders a character sheet for the Advanced Engine (house rules system based originally on TSR's Amazing Engine).
Calculates effects from stats, edges, flaws, encumbrance, armor and wounding to skill and weapon checks.
See new features from the Changelog.
The most intensive page or the character sheet, is pretty much completely written with the React JS framework, allowing for a responsive page. The backend for the sheet are REST APIs written with Django Rest Framework.
The ruleset is pretty much fully homegrown fork of the Amazing Engine. Nowadays only thing left is the stat names and some concepts, with skills being brought into the system either from house rules or or the d20 system, adapted here. Licensing situation of the rules is not entirely clear, but the data should be ok to use for non-commercial purposes.
Full list of all todo items in the TODO.
npm test
npm run build -- --mode=production
python bdist_wheel
python collectstatic --noinput --clear
gtar zcvf aesheet-0.11-full.tar.xz static/ dist/aesheet-0.11-py3-none-any.whl
Take a backup of your database, e.g.,
sudo -i -u postgres pg_dump -F c -b -v sheetdb > dump.dump
for need of changes due to upgrades or configuration changes.
Update outdated python packages pip list --outdated
sudo cp -a ~/aesheet-0.11.0/static .
sudo ve/bin/pip install -U ~sjl/aesheet-0.11.0/aesheet-0.11.0-py3-none-any.whl
sudo -u www-data bash -c "source ./env && django-admin migrate"
sudo systemctl restart aesheet.<env>
Create containers
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Create the superuser
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml exec web python createsuperuser
Add standard rules package
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml exec web python loaddata basedata
Alternately, setup database from a previous dump
docker compose exec -T db pg_restore -c --no-owner -d $POSTGRES_DB --role $POSTGRES_USER -U $POSTGRES_USER -v < dump.dump
Run migrations manually
docker compose exec -e DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings -e PYTHONPATH=/opt/aesheet web django-admin migrate
The sheet is now usable in http://localhost:8001/
docker-compose down -v
% python test
% npm test
% cd sheet/tests && pybot tests.robot # not functional yet.