sjlow23 / pathogd

RPA primer and CRISPR-Cas12a guide RNA design for diagnostics
GNU General Public License v3.0
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About PathoGD

PathoGD is a bioinformatic pipeline for the rapid and high-throughput design of RPA primers and guide RNAs (gRNA) for CRISPR-Cas12a-based nucleic acid detection. It incorporates two complementary modules- pangenome and k-mer- targeting the protein-coding and whole genome, respectively, for selection of a target region and subsequent guide RNA and primer design. PathoGD was initially developed for and tested on bacterial genomes, but should work on any organism whose genome sequences are available.


The increasing availability of bacterial draft and whole-genome sequences provide an opportunity to identify alternative diagnostic markers from previously unexplored genomic regions. PathoGD was developed to facilitate the design of highly specific RPA primers and gRNAs for CRISPR-Cas12a-based pathogen detection. It provides a streamlined workflow to accelerate the in silico aspect of a CRISPR-Cas12a assay design.

PathoGD incorporates multiple bioinformatics tools for performing the individual steps in the pipeline. It requires two databases- target and non-target- containing the genomes of the pathogen to be detected and closely-related organisms potentially resulting in cross-reactivity, respectively, for the selection of a highly-specific target region to be amplified. These genomes can either be automatically downloaded by PathoGD or provided by the user.

PathoGD will design guide RNAs that are specific to the target taxa, with at least 3 mismatches to non-target taxa and the human genome. The output file contains information which can be used for filtering to a smaller set of candidates for validation.

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  1. Clone the repo into your working directory

    git clone
    cd pathogd
  2. Create a new empty conda environment

    Use default conda environment path:

    conda create -n pathogdenv

    Create in user-specified directory:

    conda create --prefix /dir/to/pathogdenv
  3. Activate the conda environment

    conda activate pathogdenv
    conda activate /dir/to/pathogdenv
  4. Install required packages using the pathogd.yaml file provided.

    conda env update --name pathogdenv --file pathogd.yaml 
    conda env update --prefix /dir/to/pathogdenv --file pathogd.yaml
  5. Make scripts executable and move into bin directory of conda environment

    chmod u+x pathogd scripts/*
    mv pathogd scripts/* $CONDA_PREFIX/bin/
  6. You will also need Prokka and Roary installed on your system and in your PATH. See Prokka and Roary for installation instructions.

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Modules and workflows

Modules refer to the approach that is used for primer and gRNA design. The -m parameter is used for specifying which module is to be used. This parameter is mandatory only for workflows (see below) that require primer and gRNA design. Two modules are available in PathoGD:

  1. pangenome - primers and gRNAs are designed from protein-coding regions only
  2. k-mer - primers and gRNAs are designed from entire genome including non-coding regions

Workflows refer to the set of functions to be performed in the PathoGD pipeline. The -w parameter is used for specifying which workflow is to be used. This parameter is mandatory in the pathogd command.

The following workflows perform specific functions only; no primer and gRNA design is executed:

  1. check - check number of NCBI assemblies available for target and non-target taxa
  2. download_target - only download NCBI target genome assemblies
  3. download_nontarget - only download NCBI non-target genome assemblies

The following workflows are available for primer and gRNA design:

  1. ncbi_all_subsample - download target and non-target genomes from NCBI; subsample target genomes
  2. ncbi_all_nosubsample - download target and non-target genomes from NCBI; use all target genomes
  3. user_target_subsample - user-provided target genomes; download non-target genomes from NCBI; subsample target genomes
  4. user_target_nosubsample - user-provided target genomes; download non-target genomes from NCBI; use all target genomes
  5. user_all_subsample - user-provided target and non-target genomes; subsample target genomes
  6. user_all_nosubsample - user-provided target and non-target genomes; use all target genomes

Integrated tools

Software/Tool Function Module
ncbi-genome-download Genome download pangenome and k-mer
Prodigal, Prokka Gene annotation pangenome
Roary Pangenome estimation pangenome
genometester4 k-mer enumeration pangenome and k-mer
MAFFT, BBMap Sequence alignment pangenome and k-mer
cd-hit Sequence clustering pangenome and k-mer
Primer3 Primer design pangenome and k-mer
isPcr in silico PCR pangenome and k-mer
bedtools, cdbtools, csvtk, taxonkit, emboss, samtools, seqkit, R Data processing pangenome and k-mer

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Pipeline overview

PathoGD pipeline

Configuration file

The configuration file is specified using the -c parameter in the pathogd command, and is mandatory for running PathoGD. This file is used for specifying most of the parameters and options for running the pipeline, including target and non-target organisms. A template of the file is provided (config.txt) above for Mycoplasmoides genitalium.

Do not modify the file other than to include your specifications. Input your specifications after the | sign. The following table defines which fields need to be completed for running the PathoGD pipeline. Asterisks indicate fields that are optional, but would be good to include for logging purposes. These do not have to be accurate as they are not explicitly used for running the pipeline.

Parameter/Workflow check download_target download_nontarget ncbi_all_subsample ncbi_all_nosubsample user_target_subsample user_target_nosubsample user_all_subsample user_all_nosubsample
db no yes yes yes yes yes yes no no
target no yes no* yes yes no no no no
target_taxid yes yes no* yes yes no no no no
offtarget no no* yes yes yes yes yes no no
offtarget_taxid yes no* yes yes yes yes yes no no
domain yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no
assembly_level no yes yes yes yes yes yes no no
kmer no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes
threshold no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes
mismatch no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes
primer_design no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes
ref_annot no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes
subsample no no no yes no yes no yes no
prokka_env no no no yes for 'pangenome' module yes for 'pangenome' module yes for 'pangenome' module yes for 'pangenome' module yes for 'pangenome' module yes for 'pangenome' module
roary_env no no no yes for 'pangenome' module yes for 'pangenome' module yes for 'pangenome' module yes for 'pangenome' module yes for 'pangenome' module yes for 'pangenome' module no

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Getting started

The command for running PathoGD is:

   pathogd [-c <config file>] [-m <method (optional)>] [-w <workflow>] [-o <output directory>] [-r <reference genbank file (optional)>] [-t <number of cpus (default 8)>]

To see all options, run pathogd -h. Some examples of usage are described below:

A. Check number of available NCBI GenBank and RefSeq genome assemblies for taxon of interest using check workflow

Use this for determining the number of genomes available for your target and non-target taxa before running pipeline. This workflow only works if your target and non-target taxa consist of distinct species.

To use this workflow, you will need to identify the NCBI taxonomy identifiers for your target and non-target taxa. Follow the steps below to obtain the NCBI taxids.

If your target or non-target taxa is a single species:

a) Identify species taxid of target taxon (single species)

Go to NCBI Taxonomy, and search for your species of interest by name. Clicking on the species name will take you to a new page with the Taxonomy ID. For example, the species taxid for Mycoplasmoides genitalium is 2097.

If your target or non-target taxa includes multiple species, eg. all species belonging to a genus:

b) Identify all species taxids for a parent taxon comprising multiple species

Go to NCBI Taxonomy, and search for your genus (or other taxonomic rank) of interest by name. Clicking on the genus name will take you to a new page with the Taxonomy ID. For example, the taxid for Mycoplasmoides is 2995234.

Specifying just the parent taxid will be sufficient as the pipeline will search for all children taxa.

c) Input taxids in the appropriate fields in config file

d) Run the following command:

   pathogd -c config.txt -w check -o pathogd_output

Important notes:

  1. If target is a single species, ensure that the taxid provided is for the 'species' rank. Some organisms may have been reported at a sub-species or strain level, in which case the taxid will be different from the species taxid.

  2. To obtain genomes at taxonomic ranks below species level, eg. sub-species or strain level, please download genomes manually. See ncbi-genome-download or ncbi-datasets for options to download genomes using NCBI taxids and/or taxon names.

  3. If using the check workflow with species names, ensure that only one species is specified for the target and offtarget fields in config.txt.

    The outputs of the check workflow are:

    • Number of target and non-target genomes available (specified in log file)
    • Scripts for downloading target and non-target genomes for GenBank and/or RefSeq assemblies. Random subsampling is automatically performed to retain a maximum of 1000 and 100 genomes for each target and non-target species, respectively.

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B. Download genomes for target and/or non-target taxa of interest using the download_target or download_nontarget workflow

Use this to automatically download genome assemblies for target and/or non-target taxa by specifying their species names/taxids in the config file. Similar to the check workflow, this workflow only works if your target and non-target taxa consist of distinct species. Similar to the check workflow, you can specify an NCBI taxid at a higher taxonomic rank, and all children taxa will be downloaded.

Download target genomes

   pathogd -c config.txt -w download_target -o pathogd_output

Download non-target genomes

   pathogd -c config.txt -w download_nontarget -o pathogd_output

Important notes:

  1. No subsampling is performed for both target and non-target taxa using this workflow. If specifying species with a large number of genome assemblies, eg. Escherichia coli, all genomes will be downloaded which may not be ideal if there is insufficient storage space.

  2. To prevent this, use the check workflow.

  3. If the taxid of a \"genus\" or higher taxonomic rank was specified for the non-target taxa in the config file (and target species is in same parent taxa), downloaded genomes will include target species. However, they will be identified and removed when the ncbi_* or user_* workflows are run.

  4. If both species name and species taxids are provided in the config file, only the species taxids will be used for downloading genome assemblies.

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C. Design primers and guide RNAs using any of the 6 ncbi_* or user_* workflows for primer and gRNA design

Examples using Mycoplasmoides genitalium for either pangenome or k-mer module:

a) Download target and non-target genome assemblies from NCBI, no subsampling of target genomes

Pangenome module:

   pathogd -c config.txt -m pangenome -w ncbi_all_nosubsample -o pathogd_output

k-mer module:

   pathogd -c config.txt -m kmer -w ncbi_all_nosubsample -o pathogd_output

The following examples are for the pangenome module. To use the k-mer module, replace -m pangenome with -m kmer in the commands below:

b) Download genome assemblies from NCBI, subsample target genomes to total specified in config file

   pathogd -c config.txt -m pangenome -w ncbi_all_subsample -o pathogd_output

The following examples are for cases where genomes are provided by the user.

To use these workflows, you must first create the output directory, e.g. pathogd_output, and the sub-directories genomes_target and genomes_offtarget.

Deposit your target and non-target genomes into their respective directories. The genome file names should have the following format: "ABCDE_genomic.fna" or "ABCDE_genomic.fna.gz", where ABCDE is the unique name of the genome.

c) Provide own target and non-target genomes, no subsampling of target genomes

   pathogd -c config.txt -m pangenome -w user_all_nosubsample -o pathogd_output

d) Provide own target genomes, download non-target genomes from NCBI, no subsampling of target genomes

   pathogd -c config.txt -m pangenome -w user_target_nosubsample -o pathogd_output

Important notes:

  1. If using the ncbi_all_nosubsample workflow, all target and non-target genomes will be downloaded which may not be ideal if the species is overrepresented, eg. E. coli.

  2. To prevent this, use the check workflow, or provide own genomes.

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D. Design guide RNAs only using k-mer module

When using the k-mer module, the primer design step is optional. This results in a potentially larger pool of guide RNAs as the flanking sequences are not required to be conserved. To exclude the primer design step, modify the config file so that the primer_design field is set to no.

The output file is uniq_target_kmers_final_prevalence.tsv under the kmers_results directory. It includes the following information:

Field Remarks
guide Guide RNA id
actual_pam Protospacer adjacent motif (sequence upstream of gRNA)
guide_sequence_to_order Guide RNA sequence (5' --> 3')
count_genomes_present Number of genomes with gRNA sequence
sum_across_genomes Total number of gRNA sequences across all target genomes
avg_copy_number Average copy number of gRNA sequences across all target genomes
perc_total Percentage of genomes with gRNA sequence


For the ncbi_* and user_* workflows with primer and gRNA design, the most relevant output is a tab-delimited file pathogd_primers_stats.tsv containing information on all the primers and gRNAs that were designed. The table below explains the contents of each field:

Field Remarks
guide_set Guide RNA id
guide_seq Guide RNA sequence (5' --> 3')
pam Protospacer adjacent motif (sequence upstream of gRNA)
gene Gene id
gene_annotation Gene name
primer_set Primer set id for a given guide RNA id (maximum of 5 sets per gRNA; name not unique)
fwd_primer Forward primer sequence (5' --> 3')
rev_primer Reverse primer sequence (5' --> 3')
primer_cas13a_compatibility Compatibility of primers with Cas13a for RNA detection (if 'yes', can use as is; if 'swap primers', swap forward and reverse primers). A T7 RNA polymerase promoter sequence is prepended on the 5' end of the forward primer for T7 transcription.
fwd_primer_length Length of forward primer
rev_primer_length Length of reverse primer
guide_length Length of guide RNA
fwd_primer_gc Forward primer GC content
rev_primer_gc Reverse primer GC content
guide_gc Guide RNA GC content
product_size Amplicon size (based on consensus sequence)
primerset_new Unique primer set id (based on combination of primer and gRNA sequence; should occur only once)
primerset_uniq Primer set id (based on forward and reverse primer sequence; can occur more than once if multiple gRNAs are compatible with the primer set)
primer_target_prevalence_0mm Percentage of target genomes with perfect matches to primer sequence
primer_target_prevalence_2mm Percentage of target genomes with up to 2 mismatches to primer sequence
avg_amplicon_num_target Average number of amplicons in target genomes
avg_amplicon_length_target Average amplicon size in target genomes
primer_nontarget_prevalence_0mm Percentage of non-target genomes with perfect matches to primer sequence
primer_nontarget_prevalence_2mm Percentage of non-target genomes with up to 2 mismatches to primer sequence
primer_nontarget_prevalence_8mm Percentage of non-target genomes with up to 8 mismatches to primer sequence
avg_amplicon_num_nontarget Average number of amplicons in non-target genomes
avg_amplicon_length_nontarget Average amplicon size in non-target genomes
guide_average_copy_number_target Average number of guide RNAs in target genomes
guide_target_prevalence Percentage of target genomes with perfect matches to guide RNA sequence
guide_offtarget_prevalence_max5mm Percentage of non-target genomes with 3≤n≤5 mismatches to guide RNA sequence

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Checking sensitivity and specificity of user-provided primers and guide RNAs

A set of helper scripts included to validate a set of user-provided primers and guide RNAs.

Example use cases: i) You have a set of primers and guide RNAs designed elsewhere and would like to estimate the prevalence of their binding sites across a set of target and non-target genomes. ii) You would like to estimate the prevalence of binding sites of previously designed primers and guide RNAs from PathoGD across a newer database containing additional target and/or non-target genomes.

If primers and guide RNAs were designed elsewhere, you will need to provide a target and non-target genome database to run these scripts. See sections A and B above for examples on how to download these genomes. The target and non-target genome directories should have the names genomes_target and genomes_offtarget, respectively.

  1. Estimate primer prevalence across a set of target genomes and/or non-target genomes -i primers.txt -d pathogd_output -o primer_prevalence.tsv

    primers.txt is a three-column tab-delimited file with the following information: unique primer id, forward primer sequence, reverse primer sequence. If filtering from pathogd_primers_stats.tsv output file, extract columns primerset_new, fwd_primer, and rev_primer.

    pathogd_output is the parent directory containing the target and non-target genome databases.

    To generate a FASTA file of amplicons in addition to primer prevalence output, use the -a flag. -i primers.txt -d pathogd_output -o pathogd_primer_prevalence.tsv -a yes

    The output files will be in a directory called primer_stats.

  2. Estimate guide prevalence across a set of target genomes and/or non-target genomes -i guides.fasta -d pathogd_output -o pathogd_guide_prevalence.tsv

    The output files will be in a directory called guide_stats.

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Which module (pangenome or k-mer) should I use?

The module that you should use depends on your target organism and specific assay needs. Generally speaking, both modules should work well for bacterial genomes. The pangenome module will generate primer and gRNA candidates that are in protein-coding regions, while the k-mer module additionally considers non-protein-coding regions. The k-mer module has the advantage of identifying candidate gRNAs that are present in multiple copies across the genome, but do not necessarily have flanking regions that are conserved, so primers may not be able to be designed for these gRNAs. However, they can still be useful for an assay not requiring a pre-amplification step.


If you use this tool in your research, please cite:

"PathoGD: an integrative genomics approach for CRISPR-based target design of rapid pathogen diagnostics"
Soo Jen Low, Matthew O'Neill, William J. Kerry, Natasha Wild, Marcelina Krysiak, Yi Nong, Francesca Azzato, Eileen Hor, Lewis Williams, George Taiaroa, Eike Steinig, Shivani Pasricha, Deborah A. Williamson
bioRxiv 2024.05.14.593882; doi: 

PathoGD: an integrative genomics approach for CRISPR-based target design of rapid pathogen diagnostics