sjs7007 / S3Lab

Code for Deep Cloud back end.
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1. MNIST Trainer

Allows user to upload the MNIST dataset and get a trained model based on the parameters specified. Description about the dataset can be found here.

2. MNIST Prediction using user models

2.1 : Model Selection

Allows user to upload their own trained MNIST model and later perform predictions using different API(2.2).

2.2 Image Selection

Allows user to perform predictions using the model selected in model section API(2.1).

3. MNIST Prediction on a pretrained model

Allows user to upload MNIST images and get predictions on a pretrained model.

4. Dashbord Information

Allows user to get information about jobs submitted to the system and their status.

5. Dashbord Information : Specific

Allows user to get information about jobs submitted by specific user to the system and their status.

6. Kill Jobs

Allows user to kill training jobs with specific job_id.

7. Suspend Jobs

Allows user to suspend training jobs with specific job_id.

8. Resume Jobs

Allows user to resume training jobs with specific job_id and pid.

9. Test on trained model

Allows user select an already trained model based on job_id and perform testing using that model.