sjurgemeyer / spock-extensions

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Currently this project contains one extension for the Spock framework

The extension provides an annotation @SingleExecution.

The main purpose of SingleExecution is to allow the usage of data tables to test the results of a method that returns a list of items. This can best be illustrated by an example:

    @SingleExecution ('calculatePayments')
    def "Should have implicit result field available for all tests"() {
        //result is implicitly created by the annotation
        def payment = result[record]

        assert payment.baseAmount == baseAmount
        assert payment.fees == fees
        assert == tax

        record | baseAmount | fees | tax
        0      | 20.00      | 5.00 | 2.00
        1      | 10.00      | 5.00 | 1.00
        2      | 1.00       | 0.00 | 0.10 

    //This method gets called one time, regardless of the number of rows in the where clause
    def calculatePayments = {
      //This would normally call our method under test  
      return [
        new Payment(baseAmount:20.00, fees:5.00, tax:2.00),
        new Payment(baseAmount:10.00, fees:5.00, tax:1.00),
        new Payment(baseAmount:1.00, fees:0.00, tax:0.10)

In the previous example:

@SingleExecution will only run the specified method one time regardless of the number of rows in the where clause. Items in the setup and when clauses run for every iteration specified in the where clause. This is desired behavior most of the time, but if we have a list of data being generated, as in the example above, it's nice to be able to validate it with a data table while still only executing the code under test one time.