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The personal web site of Samer Kanjo
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Switch from Vuepress to 11ty #32

Closed skanjo closed 5 months ago

skanjo commented 5 months ago

The current website was generated using Vuepress 2.x Since launching the site I have not been actively updated. I have a renewed interest in finishing this site and actively updating content. At the same time I took this as an opportunity to convert back to 11ty and force myself to learn some new skills such as getting to know 11ty, Tailwind, and learn more about using custom fonts.

The 11ty version of the site reproduces some of the features and style that was produced for me when using Vuepress. However, I still have some work to do to bing it to feature parity. I will start a list of issues with the additional changes needed.

It is time to get the 11ty site live replacing the Vuewpress site.