skanjo /

The personal web site of Samer Kanjo
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Welcome to my personal web site. My original intent was to focus on topics related to software development but I have decided that I will post on any topic I would like share. In addition, I intend to use this to showcase some level of competance putting together a set of characters to form functional HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The site is built using 11ty , Tailwind CSS, and AlpineJS and deployed using Netlify. No AI was used to build this site.


This web site is using several custom fonts including:

Originally I was referencing these fonts as NPM packages from Fontsource and Fortawsome, and using 11ty to select the necessary files from package source and copying to my build directory. However, I decided to include the fonts directly in the site as static assets to avoid having to download them on every build.

For Inter and Roboto fonts, I am using font-files from Fontsource to select the font files and CSS I would like to use on this site. For Font Awesome, I am using Font Awesome Free to select the font files and CSS I would like to use on this site.

All licenses for the fonts are included in source.