skarmakar / rswag-helpers

Helper methods and custom matchers for rswag
MIT License
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This gem adds some helper methods, custom rspec matchers and predefined security schemes to make Rswag specs DRY and more readable.

  1. Create a helper method to remove redundant Enable auto generation examples from responses. So this code

    get('list posts') do
    response(200, 'successful') do
      after do |example|
        example.metadata[:response][:content] = {
          'application/json' => {
            example: JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true)

    can be replaced by

    get('list posts') do
    response(200, 'successful') do
  2. Provides ability to define schemas in separate files - explained below

  3. Adds a bunch of custom rspec matchers for better readability

  4. Provides ability to use some predefined security schemes

  5. Provides a helper method define_tags to replace the repetitive tag definition with security scheme, consumes and produces

    tags 'Post'
    security [bearer_auth: []]
    consumes 'application/json'
    produces 'application/json'

    can be replaced by

    define_tags 'Posts'
    # more customization
    define_tags 'Posts', consumes: 'multipart/form-data'
  6. Provides a helper method schema_ref which can take a string argument to replace declarative schema reference

    schema '$ref' => '#/components/schemas/Something'
    # can be replace by
    schema_ref 'Something'
    schema anyOf: [{ '$ref' => '#/components/schemas/Something' }, { '$ref' => '#/components/schemas/SomethingElse' }]
    # can be replaced by
    schema_ref anyOf: ['Something', 'SomethingElse']
    schema oneOf: [{ '$ref' => '#/components/schemas/Something' }, { '$ref' => '#/components/schemas/SomethingElse' }]
    # can be replaced by
    schema_ref oneOf: ['Something', 'SomethingElse']
    schema allOf: [{ '$ref' => '#/components/schemas/Something' }, { '$ref' => '#/components/schemas/SomethingElse' }]
    # can be replaced by
    schema_ref allOf: ['Something', 'SomethingElse']
  7. Provides another helper method schema_option to make the schema declaration for a request short (trivial, but still less code)

    parameter name: :payload, in: :body, schema: { '$ref' => '#/components/schemas/Something' }
    # can be replaced by
    parameter name: :payload, in: :body, schema: schema_option('Something')


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rswag-helpers'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rswag-helpers


Install the gem:

$ rails g rswag:helpers:install

This will

  1. Create a folder spec/schemas and also create a file spec/schemas/base inside that folder

  2. Modify the spec/swagger_helper.rb file to include the custom rspec matchers and rswag helpers

    # spec/swagger_helper.rb
    # loads all the defined schema files
    require_relative 'schemas/base'  
    # Change to :api_key/:http_basic in case those are being used
    # Can also provide multiple defaults like: [:bearer_jwt, :api_key]
    # Can provide custom security scheme like: Rswag::Helpers::SecurityScheme.additional = { accept: {...}}
    Rswag::Helpers::SecurityScheme.defaults = :bearer_jwt
  3. Provide predefined ways to define the security schemes like :bearer_jwt, :basic_http, :api_key

  4. Also provides options to add additional security schemes, example:

    # spec/swagger_helper.rb
    Rswag::Helpers::SecurityScheme.defaults = :bearer_jwt
    Rswag::Helpers::SecurityScheme.additional = {
    accept: {
      description: "Use application/[custom]; version=1",
      type: :apiKey,
      name: 'Accept',
      in: :header

spec/schemas folder

Keeping all the schemas in the spec/swagger_helper.rb can make the file very long and tough to maintain. It would be better if we can keep the schemas in multiple files. This gem does the setup for that, and creates the spec/schemas folder for that purpose. Now other schema files can reside inside that, and can be auto loaded to be used from spec/swagger_helper.rb

Example schema:

  # spec/schemas/post.rb

  class Schemas::Post < Schemas::Base
    class << self
      def schema
        @schema ||= {
          type: :object,
          properties: {
            data: {
              type: :object,
              properties: {
                title: { type: :string, default: 'Cheese Bacon sandwich' },
                description: { type: :test, default: 'A great breakfast recipe!' },

And use it:

  # spec/swagger_helper.rb

  config.swagger_docs = {
    'v1/swagger.yaml' => {
      openapi: '3.0.3',
      info: {
        title: 'API Docs',
        version: 'v1'
      components: {
        securitySchemes: Rswag::Helpers::SecurityScheme.get,
        schemas: {
          Post: Schemas::Post.schema
      paths: {},
      servers: []

These schema files are a subclass of Schemas::Base class for the purpose of loading a single file from the spec/swagger_helper.rb. Also, Schemas::Base is a subclass of Rswag::Helpers::Schema class present in the gem, which provides handy request_body method to extract the default values from the schema and construct the request body of POST/PUT requests. For an example:

  post('create post') do
    define_tags 'Post'

    parameter name: :body, in: :body, schema: { '$ref' => '#/components/schemas/Post' }, required: true
    # request_body method is present in the gem
    let(:post_request_body) { Schemas::Post.request_body.deep_dup }

    response(200, 'successful') do
      let(:body) { post_request_body }

      run_test_and_generate_example! do |response|
        response_body = parsed_response(response, key: nil)
        expect(response_body['data']['attributes']).to have_keys('title', 'description')

Generate a schema

  $ rails g rswag:schema ResourceName

Generates spec/schemas/resource_name.rb with the code:

  module Schemas
    class ResourceName < Base
      class << self
        def schema
          @schema ||= {
            type: :object,
            properties: {