skeeto / elisp-json-rpc

JSON-RPC library for Emacs Lisp
The Unlicense
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Emacs Lisp JSON-RPC Library

This is a JSON-RPC 1.0 and 2.0 library for Emacs Lisp. It uses the HTTP transport method.

Three functions are provided: json-rpc-connect, json-rpc-close, and json-rpc.


;; Establish a connection to bitcoind:
(setf bitcoind (json-rpc-connect "localhost" 8332 "bitcoinrpc" "mypassword"))

(json-rpc bitcoind "getblockcount")
;; => 285031

(json-rpc bitcoind "setgenerate" t 3)
;; => nil

(json-rpc bitcoind "bogusmethod")
;; signals (json-rpc-error :message "Method not found" :code -32601)

The json-rpc-1.0 and json-rpc-2.0 functions allow for finer control over requests, such as endpoint selection and named parameters (JSON-RPC 2.0).