skeeto / w64devkit

Portable C and C++ Development Kit for x64 (and x86) Windows
The Unlicense
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Create winget package #23

Open peirick opened 1 year ago

peirick commented 1 year ago

Greate work! I have just started using and playing around with it. I found it very helpful. I'm using it inside of windows terminal preview and it works realy nice. Thank you!

Maybe it's possible to distribute this as a winget package? Installation and updates would be so much easier.

peirick commented 1 year ago

I've reread your blog. The whole point is to not be dependent on some other services. Right? So using winget does not correspond to the philosophy of this project...

skeeto commented 1 year ago

Your re-reading is correct. One of my target use cases is air-gapped computers. You could grab the w64devkit .zip and the offline documentation linked in the README, sneakernet them to an air-gapped system, and once you know how to use it, be about as productive as you would on a normal system. (Perhaps more productive since there are no distractions!) Even before I put this kit together I was already working exactly this way.

When not air-gapped, I still mostly behave the same, even on Linux. My productivity shouldn't depend on having continuous internet access. When it goes down, as it still does from time to time, it's great that I can reliably continue working for hours without interruption.

Since you had asked, I gave you the benefit of the doubt — maybe this is still a useful delivery mechanism — and left this here as a sort of a TODO to investigate in the future when I had time.