skeeto / w64devkit

Portable C and C++ Development Kit for x64 (and x86) Windows
The Unlicense
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Final Zip File Cannot unzip Error #69

Closed cuongnguyengit closed 1 year ago

cuongnguyengit commented 1 year ago


anyone help me, plz?

skeeto commented 1 year ago

Can you share the exact steps you used to build this? That .zip is about twice as large as it should be. With "hd | head" the first two bytes should be "PK".

cuongnguyengit commented 1 year ago

I set up follow your direction git clone cd w64devkit docker build -t w64devkit . docker run --rm w64devkit >

skeeto commented 1 year ago

I thought more about the 2x detail and realized what's happening: You're using PowerShell, right? "No way could it screw up something as basic as file redirection," I thought, yet I tried it myself and can exactly reproduce your issue. This is typical PowerShell brain damage where "redirect to a file" actually means "redirect through PowerShell" which then "helpfully" translates your data into UTF-16, a format nobody wants nor uses for text files. That, of course, increases the size by 2x — a familiar outcome. This is not my first rodeo.

The solution: Use either cmd.exe or w64devkit itself. PowerShell is an embarrassment of a shell, a kind of cruel joke that keeps on going. One reason w64devkit exists is that, even still in 2023, Microsoft with their trillions of dollars is unable to produce and supply a decent system shell that can compete with hobbyists.

cuongnguyengit commented 1 year ago

it was really worked in cmd. Thanks for your support.

garoto commented 1 year ago

Timelines must have forked around the late 70s or early 80s and we're now living its worst version possible, where MS in-house garbage tech is seem as "standard" and newer generations can't possibly know any better, since the shilling is too stronk.

You should write about your thoughts regarding powershell in your website. Would love to see if my non-computer-programmer concepts can/would somewhat align with the ones from a seasoned C programmer at all.