Tic Tac Toe
Implementation of the game Tic Tac Toe following "modern softeware development" practics.
Plan going forward
A plan for the project was initally made on paper, these plan is referenced in issuse and other documenetation thoughout the project.
These plans have been consolidated into Markdown files:
Log of time
This is roughy how long different elemants have taken so far
- Reading instructions and creating plan using pen and paper : 38 min
- Updating Readme with plan: 12 min
- Writing of ADRs: 2h
- Setting up issues based on skecth of plan: 30 min
- Specification of indentified features of the game (in Gherkin): 3h
- Documentation of project plan: 15min
- Empty dotnet projects: 30min
- State diagram of gameplay: 40min
- Implementation: 1h