skmp / reicast-emulator

Reicast was a multiplatform Sega Dreamcast emulator
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iOS Version of Reicast #768

Closed mk8itra1n closed 6 years ago

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

Havent seen any updates about the iOS version? Will there be any pictures, videos, or some kind of teaser. Haven't heard much about the progress on there. Last I heard there was some sort of issue about the input and controls. Wasn't AngelxWind helping to get this released on Cydia as well? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

Check the pull requests. That should fill you in.

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

Alright I saw the pull request. It seems you guys are making progress on the iOS release. Did you ever fix the input problem it had?

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

I haven't been able to confirm or deny that yet. I do have gamepad mapping in the works but not much can be done with that right now.

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

Ah okay. I am currently jail broken right now so is there any way I can install reicast on my device to test it out? Will the app work or will it just crash on launch?

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

If you have xcode and use either the new beta 7 that allows running apps without signing or have a tool to let you do that with the older xcode, you'd be able to install it from there using the source.

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

Does it run any commercial games or the bios at its current state? Just wanna know about the functionality of the iOS version before I give Xcode a go.

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

On iPad, you still need to name the game "game.chd" but it will run it. It is a lot like the original Android testing before there was a file picker.

rasterico commented 9 years ago

How do I build this? I have an iMac, iPhone 6 and xcode 7 beta, I've tried for hours to figure it out but I'm damned if I can :(

skmp commented 9 years ago

I'm trying to get some sort of CI setup, so that we have packages built.

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

There are a few hosting places like myrepospace that may support some sort of ssh upload, since installing an ipa or app file is a bit of a process.

rasterico commented 9 years ago

I'm more than willing to give things a go myself, i just have absolutely no knowledge of xcode, I've tried to fumble my way through but failed miserably, google hasn't thrown up any help either for my probably too specific requests!

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

You should be able to plug the phone or tablet in, run Xcode, open the project and hit the button that looks like "play"

You will probably have to unplug and run it from the device again for it to work, though. It tends to freeze the debugger once it loads a game.

rasterico commented 9 years ago

image Yes I've got that far, what I'm struggling with is what template I should be selecting first before it tries to build it, or should I not be using a template at all? I'm sorry for all the questions, I am a total beginner with xcode unfortunately, I have managed to get it to build something and even load it to my phone but nothing that resembles an app unfortunately, more like a blank document.

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

Thats for a new project. You want to open the reicast.xcworkspace in /YOUR_COPY_OF_SOURCE/shell/apple

rasterico commented 9 years ago

Yep, realised that as soon as I posted it, won't compile though, build always fails, I take it I should be using the zip file available on the main page? I don't know why it won't build but it doesn't unfortunately :(

Holzhaus commented 9 years ago

An error message might be helpful here.

skmp commented 9 years ago

It looks like you need a signing certificate to deploy to any kind of iOS. Damn apple.

On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 12:59 AM, Jan Holthuis wrote:

An error message might be helpful here.

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rasterico commented 9 years ago

I'm sorry, I'm totally new to all this, I will try again tomorrow and post the error log, it's late now in the uk and I have work in the morning so I'm actually in bed posting this from my iPad! Thanks for all your help guys today, It's a steep learning curve but your patience with me has been refreshing :)

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

Just wondering if you guys can pack it as a DEB or iPA file for us just to try out. If not then I'll attempt using Xcode 7

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

@skmp is right. There is also a tool to fake it if you don't have one. It modifies the program, though, so you'd need to remove that if you ever got one. I'll try to track it down.

Xcode 7 will no longer require them to run on a connected device, but you need a developer account to get that right now. I believe the free account is eligible.

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

Has anyone been successful in compiling reicast for iOS on a jail broken device?

skmp commented 9 years ago

I compile and test on my jailbroken ipad, however I also have a developer cert. I don't know how/if you can get around the developer cert limitation as @loungekatt said

On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 8:20 AM, mk8itra1n wrote:

Has anyone been successful in compiling reicast for iOS on a jail broken device?

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skmp commented 9 years ago

Keep in mind reicast at the moment -requires- a jailbreak with mprotect "fix"

On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 8:23 AM, skmp wrote:

I compile and test on my jailbroken ipad, however I also have a developer cert. I don't know how/if you can get around the developer cert limitation as @loungekatt said

On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 8:20 AM, mk8itra1n wrote:

Has anyone been successful in compiling reicast for iOS on a jail broken device?

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rasterico commented 9 years ago

i think to compile it properly you need a fully fledged Developer Account, I have the free version but I remember it throwing up an error regarding signing certificates amongst other things, I tried ticking all the don't sign code boxes and suchlike but no luck, I think apple has this locked down unless I go a darker route, I'm interested in learning coding so at some point I may enrol but for now I'll just have to wait till you guys put a useable .deb or .ipa out there, my money soul be better spent on crowd funding projects to help people who know what they're doing along at this juncture ;)

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

If that's the case I just wish for someone to compile reicast into a .deb or .ipa file for us. Do you guys have any plans to release it like that?

skmp commented 9 years ago

I honestly have no idea how to do it, or I would already have done it. All of the guides seem so silly complicated that I laz0r+++

On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 11:52 AM, mk8itra1n wrote:

If that's the case I just wish for someone to compile reicast into a .deb or .ipa file for us. Do you guys have any plans to release it like that?

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rasterico commented 9 years ago

These guys make it sound simple enough! It may be different in practice though I guess!

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

I'm gonna try that Redmond Pie article that @loungekatt mentioned. But you guys should seriously considering packing it in as a .deb or .ipa file. There are many easy guides on how to do it. You can even install the tool in Cydia and do it on the device itself

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

I build it directly to a local repo, but it doesn't have the bandwidth to support public distribution.

@skmp did mention "trying to get some sort of CI setup, so that we have packages built."

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

Local repo? You mean a Cydia repo? Man that sucks. Isn't there anyway the public could get access to it? I would love to try it out

rasterico commented 9 years ago

Build target reicast-ios of project reicast-ios with configuration Debug

rasterico commented 9 years ago

that is the error log I'm getting when trying to compile/build/sideload call it whatever you will! unfortunately it just doesn't want to play ball, I have no idea how you guys have overcome this :( Oh and I still get these errors when trying the method described above in the Redmond Pie article.

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

I'll post a fix shortly. I thought it was just my system but it looks like Xcode doesn't pick up the header.

As for a repo, the one I use is local to my network. I only mentioned it as evidence it can be built that way.

Holzhaus commented 9 years ago

@rasterico Please use something like pastebin next time.

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

Ah okay. So you are going to fix the Xcode issue so we can compile it?

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

I would hope that is obvious by "Ill post a fix shortly" but just in case, yes.

rasterico commented 9 years ago

Awesome, thanks LoungeKatt and sorry Holzhaus, it didn't even cross my mind! Duly noted though, no one wants to scroll through pages and pages like that :) thanks again guys!

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

Just pushed the fix.

rasterico commented 9 years ago

As I'm totally new to this, where do I get the updated version from? Is it on the main page? Download the zip again?

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

Or if you cloned, you would use git to update.

skmp commented 9 years ago

Huh, i recall fixing this on the ios fix branch. Oh well. Am 20.08.2015 23:39 schrieb "TwistedUmbrella"

Or if you cloned, you would use git to update.

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AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

You may have, but I don't think it ever made it to the mainline

rasterico commented 9 years ago

That's worked a treat :) image image

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

I think we need to force landscape. It doesn't show the whole view in portrait and it's messing with my button overlay.

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

@rasterico Sonic Adventure on iPhone here I come!!! Can't wait to try out Xcode 7 when I get home๐ŸŽ‰

rasterico commented 9 years ago

@mk8itra1n I have yet to get anything to run on it yet, it was late and I was just glad to get as far as I did in all honesty! Also don't forget there are no controls implemented yet so you won't actually be able to play anything just watch it running! @LoungeKatt one last question for you as you've been so helpful! I take it as there's no menus or anything implemented at the moment I need to make the reicast folder inside the app with the data folder holding the boot bin and flash bin? I'm on my way to work now so will experiment tonight :)

skmp commented 9 years ago

I think it looks for the data files on the application folder. You can just move them in with itunes

rasterico commented 9 years ago

Ok thanks! Looking forward to getting home and trying it out :)

rasterico commented 9 years ago

what file formats are supported? @LoungeKatt suggested i'd need to rename them to "game.chd" to get them to run but i haven't found a single dreamcast .chd for download, everything comes in .cdi format and i can't find a converter for Mac OS, should they work in this format right off the bat cause the 2 I've tried don't load and just crash the emu back to the springboard?