skmp / reicast-emulator

Reicast was a multiplatform Sega Dreamcast emulator
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iOS Version of Reicast #768

Closed mk8itra1n closed 6 years ago

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

Havent seen any updates about the iOS version? Will there be any pictures, videos, or some kind of teaser. Haven't heard much about the progress on there. Last I heard there was some sort of issue about the input and controls. Wasn't AngelxWind helping to get this released on Cydia as well? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

You aren't supposed to be downloading games, since that is piracy. We can't really help you with that. The app currently looks for a file named "game.chd" but if @smkp doesn't get to it first, I will try to add a file selector in there instead.

rasterico commented 9 years ago

Don't worry, I haven't downloaded anything I don't already own :) image

rasterico commented 9 years ago


mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

Holy Crap bro. I have the same exact collection as you. Great minds think alike๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ๐ŸŽ‰

rasterico commented 9 years ago

i actually have more, thats all i could be bothered to unpack!

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

When you get the games working up on reicast, can you post a vid up on Twitter. I know the controls don't work yet but I wanna see how Sonic Adventure runs.

eddiebrook commented 9 years ago

anyone can upload an ipa or deb?

I can help make a good overlay, almost better that android port.

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

I'll compile and install it when I get a chance. I'll see if I can upload a deb of reicast for iOS. Dude if you can get that overlay so we can get working controls I'm all for it.

skmp commented 9 years ago

@rasterico as a general rule we do not talk about downloading games. Legality is determined by local laws (eg, downloading is legal in Switzerland, and in Greece it is illegal even if you own a license). That said, cdi files are not officially supported and usually have issues. We only support cdi files for homebrew games. Reicast is designed to work with the .gdi or .chd formats

rasterico commented 9 years ago

@eddiebrook I'll have a go at dumping an .ipa tomorrow as its my day off, may take some working out though :) @skmp understood, schoolboy error, I've been using emulators for years and know full well that talking about roms is a no no, I have all the games shown in the pictures and more, I'll have a go at dumping the images myself from the originals, thanks again for all your help in getting this running :)

eddiebrook commented 9 years ago

@mk8itra1n @rasterico

Ok. But i only need the entire app ( I have some good ideas for the overlay. Thanks

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

@rastsrico dude can you put reicast into an ipa file for @eddiebrook? If this dude can get us a good overlay and working controls I'm all for it

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

@rasterico oops I spelled your username wrong๐Ÿ˜‚

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

The overlay is mostly done but I waited to push until the file selector was, too.

eddiebrook commented 9 years ago


could share it with all the changes made by you if possible, of course? thx

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

So when you push the file selection and will be available when I compile reicast with Xcode 7 afterwards?

rasterico commented 9 years ago

Has that been pushed now? Should I rebuild? @LoungeKatt

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

It's still crashing so I've only pushed to my branch. There's an issue with the list and I still need to connect the buttons.

eddiebrook commented 9 years ago

then I think we'll wait until the crashes are solved


I'll try and improve a little this overlay to ios (made for android) I also need the application working.

rasterico commented 9 years ago

So I've managed to convert some of my dumped GDI's into CHD's :) ive loaded one into the app via iTunes but it only seems to boot the bios and not the game itself? It is supposed to be named game.chd isn't it? Also I take it the game.chd is supposed to just sit in the same place as the boot.bin and flash.bin? @skmp @LoungeKatt

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago


Seems there was never an issue with the table. There was an issue with the sliding drawer that was added to the project when it was first set up. Once that was removed, it worked.

There is still a crash when launching a game, but that is from the view transition. Shouldn't take too long to get that sorted out.

rasterico commented 9 years ago

It doesn't crash for me at all, it just boots the bios and doesn't even attempt to load a game.

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

@rasterico You're using a different build.

rasterico commented 9 years ago

@LoungeKatt I see, I'm using the latest build I think, downloaded it earlier today, I don't understand why it's not picking up the game image though as I'm pretty certain everything is where it should be and named correctly, also, I've had a look at the config file and it appears the sound is set to off by default, any way to change this or is that only possible once the overlay is complete?

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

The settings page isn't attached yet. I just started looking at everything a couple days ago so it will take a little time to get it all where Android is now.

rasterico commented 9 years ago

ahh I see, I know the iOS version is quite far behind, good to know you guys are gradually getting it up and running though, thanks again for all your help :)

rasterico commented 9 years ago

image Just rebuilt the older version from the 20th to test and it is loading some games in but only as far as the first screens, Crazy Taxi gets as far as the 50-60hz screen and then crashes. Zombie Revenge gets a little further but still crashes back to bios @mk8itra1n won't be uploading any videos of any working games at the moment unfortunately!

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

@rasterico Eh don't worry about it. It's fine and I'm really impressed with the progress with Reicast for iOS. Just the fact that the bios works and games barely load is major progress. Can't wait for the overlay to be released

rasterico commented 9 years ago

I'm excited with every new release, I'm getting closer and closer every day to getting it to launch a game :) it's gonna be a monumental day when it actually happens!

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

Well you almost got your wish. You got crazy taxi to load even though you only made it to the TV settings so that's major progress so far๐Ÿ‘Œ

rasterico commented 9 years ago

well LoungeKatt says it won't take long to sort the crashing issue out, also the overlay isn't far off being complete, exciting times ahead :)

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

Yeah I'm pretty excited. The new version of Retroarch has a Sega Saturn Emulator inside so I will be trying that out for now while I'm waitng for Reicast. Can't wait to play Sonic R๐Ÿ‘Œ

rasterico commented 9 years ago

A Saturn emulator? Man I'm all over that! I was just on my way to bed but looks like I'm staying up to charge my MFI controller and playing Panzer Dragoon Zwei! I've just checked, can't see any mention of a Saturn core on iOS? Also have the latest version on Cydia I think, has this newer version been released yet?

brujo5 commented 9 years ago


yabause core = sega saturn

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

@skmp am I right to assume the char text item passed to the emulator view is the parameters?

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

Yep the Saturn emulator works fine considering it's under heavy development. It's pretty slow but it runs the games. I have Sonic 3D Blast running on my 6 Plus. Screenshot was me entering the special stage๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ image

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

Could you move non-reicast discussion to another location? Thanks.

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

I apologize @loungekatt. Let's get back to business with Reicast. I saw @eddiebrook has a overlay he's making for iOS. Will you be using that one in the emulator?

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

Initially it will be the default one to match Android but it's up to @skmp if it gets changed to something else.

eddiebrook commented 9 years ago

first I need how it works (no longer know if the same thing android required) but the most reliable that can be replaced or choose. I simply want to make the most comfortable controls. but I will not know until you have a build that works well without crashes. Thanks.

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

@loungekatt didn't you say earlier that the overlay was almost completed. I think you said you wanted to push the build when the file selector was complete. How far is the progress on that?

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

It's all posted to my branch.

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

So when I build now I'll get the overlay and file selector? Sweet๐Ÿ‘Œ

eddiebrook commented 9 years ago


If everything is working, share the app with me and so get to work on my overlay (Optional). Thanks

AbandonedCart commented 9 years ago

File selector is in there but I'm not sure the parameters are right.

Overlay is there but still not working with storyboards. It's tricky since it can't be a permanent overlay to support controllers. I have to convert it to a compound view that can be hidden and disabled.

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

@eddiebrook @loungekatt I just got a new 6 plus because I changed carriers. I'm gonna jailbreak and build the new version and I'll share the app with you bro

eddiebrook commented 9 years ago

@LoungeKatt in other words the overlay is there but makes no action, right? I hope it can be used soon, I want to play Skies of Arcadia (^^)/-

@mk8itra1n Thanks

mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

No prob. Yeah I can't wait for the overlay. @eddiebrook If you get your overlay working share it with us bro๐Ÿ‘

skmp commented 9 years ago

@loungekatt no idea atm Am 24.08.2015 08:07 schrieb "eddiebrook"

first I need how it works (no longer know if the same thing android required) but the most reliable that can be replaced or choose. I simply want to make the most comfortable controls. but I will not know until you have a build that works well without crashes. Thanks.

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mk8itra1n commented 9 years ago

Alright well I got reicast to install on my 6 plus after I jail broke. The app is on my home screen but everytime I click on it crashes back to the home screen. What do I do now?