skojaku / matrix-weight-net

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Matrix-Weighted Networks


To cite our work, please use the following BibTeX entry:

        title        = {Matrix-weighted networks for modeling multidimensional dynamics},
        author       = {Yu Tian and Sadamori Kojaku and Hiroki Sayama and Renaud Lambiotte},
        year         = 2024,
        publisher    = {{arXiv}},
        number       = {arXiv:2410.05188},
        eprint       = {arXiv:2410.05188},
        archiveprefix = {arxiv},

Reproducing Our Results


  1. Set up the virtual environment and install the required packages:

    conda create -n matnet python=3.10
    conda activate matnet
    conda install -c conda-forge mamba -y
    mamba install -y -c bioconda -c conda-forge snakemake -y
    mamba install -c conda-forge graph-tool scikit-learn numpy==1.23.5 numba scipy pandas networkx seaborn matplotlib ipykernel tqdm black -y
  2. Create a file config.yaml with the following content and place it under the workflow folder:

    data_dir: "data/"
    fig_dir: "figs/"

Run Simulation

Run the following command to execute the Snakemake workflow:

snakemake --cores 24 all

This will generate all files needed to produce the figures. Then, run

snakemake --cores 24 figs

You can change the number of cores to use, instead of 24.