skozin / webpack-path-rewriter

Webpack plugin for replacing resources' paths with public ones
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This is a Webpack plugin that:

Plays nicely with webpack-dev-server; see includeHash option of the constructor.



doctype html
  title My awesome app
  meta( charset="utf-8" )
  link( href="[[ app-*.css ]]", media="all", rel="stylesheet" )
  p Hi everyone!
  img( src="[[ images/hi.png ]]" )
  script( src="[[ app-*.js ]]" )


var ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin'),
    PathRewriterPlugin = require('webpack-path-rewriter')

module.exports = {
  entry: {
    app: './scripts/index'
  output: {
    path: '_dist',
    filename: 'app-[chunkhash].js',
    publicPath: '/public/path/'
  module: {
    loaders: [{
      test: /[/]images[/]/,
      loader: 'file?name=[path][name]-[hash].[ext]'
    }, {
      test: /[.]styl$/,
      loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract('css?sourceMap!stylus?sourceMap')
    }, {
      test: /[.]jade$/,
      loader: PathRewriterPlugin.rewriteAndEmit({
        name: '[path][name].html',
        loader: 'jade-html?' + JSON.stringify({ pretty: true })
  plugins: [
    new ExtractTextPlugin('app-[contenthash].css', { allChunks: true }),
    new PathRewriterPlugin()

After the build, _dist/index.html will contain the following:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>My awesome app</title>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <link href="" media="all" rel="stylesheet">
  <p>Hi everyone!</p>
  <img src="">
  <script src=""></script>


This plugin is content-agnostic, so it doesn't perform any parsing. You need to explicitly mark each path that needs to be rewritten.

By default, you do this by wrapping such paths inside the "[[original/path]]" construction, which after rewriting transforms to the "rewritten/path". You can control this behavior using options, both global and per-resource.

There are two types of assets.

1. Normal assets

Most of the assets already exist in the source tree before you run the build. To rewrite paths to such assets, just mark these paths with the special construction described above.

For example, if you have views/index.jade and images/hi.png, in the index.jade you can specify "[[../images/hi.png]]" and it will be replaced with whatever public path images/hi.png is assigned to, e.g. "/static/images/hi-somelonghash.png".

2. Generated assets

Some of the assets appear as a result of the build. These include JavaScript bundles (chunks) and files produced by extract-text-webpack-plugin. To rewrite path to an asset of this kind, you need to replace any variable parts of this path with asterisk * symbols.

For example, to rewrite path from views/index.jade to the JS bundle which gets placed to [hash]/scripts/app-[chunkhash].js, the path should be specified as "[[../*/scripts/app-*.js]]".

Customizing the path marker

Sometimes it may be inconvenient to use the default "[[...]]" marker. It can be customized using three options: pathRegExp, pathMatchIndex (index of capturing group containing extracted path) and pathReplacer (template of the replacement string).

For example, you can use the following options to rewrite all src and href HTML attributes that end with some extension (non-relative paths are automatically skipped):

  pathRegExp: /(src|href)\s*=\s*"(.*?\.[\w\d]{1,6})"/,
  pathMatchIndex: 2,
  pathReplacer: '[1]="[path]"'


PathRewriter.rewriteAndEmit(loader | opts)

Marks a resource for rewriting paths and emitting to the file system. Use it in conjunction with the new PathRewriter() in the plugins list.

Takes one argument, which is either string or object. If string, then it specifies the resource's loader string along with the options, e.g.


Object form allows to pass the following options:

For example:

  name: '[path][name]-[hash].html',
  loader: 'jade-html?pretty'

new PathRewriter(opts | undefined)

A plugin that emits to the filesystem all resources that were marked with the PathRewriter.rewriteAndEmit() loader. Options: