skrytt / baselisk-rs

Learning Rust by writing a musical synthesizer
MIT License
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Baselisk is a synthesizer written in Rust, supporting the VST2 and JACK plugin formats.

Both the JACK and VST plugins are currently pre-alpha and unstable.

Crates and Build Targets


Usage (JACK)

Change directory into the "jack" subdirectory.

To build: cargo build --release

Make sure your MIDI and audio devices are connected and powered on, and that the JACK audio server is running. Then:

cargo run --release

This application uses Rustyline to provide readline-like tab completion of commands.

Parameters that would take numeric values can currently be manipulated in these ways:

The command tree itself is structured roughly like this.

Usage (VST)

Change directory into the "vst" subdirectory.

To build: cargo build --release

A dynamic library artifact is produced in vst/targets/release. You can copy this into your system VST folder and use it like any other VST.

Note that there is currently no GUI, which means the VST parameters are currently the only means of controlling the synthesizer, and some features are also not available yet in the VST plugin for this reason. Maybe in the future though!