sktzoootech / cycle-carousel

Cycle Carousel is a simple SilverStripe module. The modules uses Cycle2 JQuery Plugin by malsup.
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Getting a 500 error #2

Open mhenden opened 9 years ago

mhenden commented 9 years ago

Hi, I'm hoping Cycle-Carousel module will resolve layout problems I'm experiencing with FlexSlider module. Only problem is when I install it I get a 500 error. Yes, I installed link-field module first, rebuilt DB and flush -- page is loading OK and CMS works, then I load carousel-master, rebuild and flush. Page looks OK, CMS looks OK until I go to edit a page and I get 'Internal Server Error' (500 code) Any clues?

mhenden commented 9 years ago

These are only errors I am getting in console:

mhenden commented 9 years ago

I've tried this on older versions of Silverstripe (back to 3.1.4). Still getting the same error of a basic install (not other modules, scripts or themes). Still doing exactly the same thing. Any ideas??!

mhenden commented 9 years ago

... Is there anybody... OUT THERE??!

mhenden commented 9 years ago

... Is there anybody... ... OUT THERE?!!! (Pink Floyd, The Wall)

Is this only compatible with really old versions of Silverstripe? Like maybe Version 2?

mhenden commented 9 years ago

Does anybody even care?

Off to try to find an alternative module. This is utter crap!!

mhenden commented 9 years ago

The lack of support is breathtaking.

mhenden commented 9 years ago

This is line 3524 to 3527 of jQuery.js. This is where it throws its toys out of the cot. Which I will shortly be doing myself...

// Events bubbling up the document may have been marked as prevented // by a handler lower down the tree; reflect the correct value. this.isDefaultPrevented = src.defaultPrevented ? returnTrue : returnFalse; src.getPreventDefault && src.getPreventDefault() ) ? returnTrue : returnFalse;

mhenden commented 9 years ago

WTF does this mean? I'm not a programmer -- I'm only a front end designer!!

mhenden commented 9 years ago

As Silverstripe is functioning normally it's obviously down to something badly amiss with this module.

mhenden commented 9 years ago

Well, it don't work on SilverStripe-cms-v2.4.9. Can rebuild DB with link-field but as soon as I load cycle-carousel it croaks. Can anybody show me one site where this this actually works?

mhenden commented 9 years ago


mhenden commented 9 years ago

What a crock...

sktzoootech commented 9 years ago

This isn't a core module so do not expect SS to give you support on this. This is a module contributed by me for free so support isn't mandatory. Anyways, I updated the module and added notes to the Readme file.

I understand the rage and frustration but I also work full time so really sorry if I can't give you spoon feed support.