This module is a simple carousel module that uses Cycle2 JQuery plugin by malsup. To know more about the Cycle2
After downloading, copy this module to your project folder and do a /dev/build?flush=all.
You can also use composer to add this module to your project using the following:
composer require "skTzoooTech/cycle-carousel:*"
But before adding the above module make sure you add sktzoootech/link-field and other modules (Please see composer.json for all dependecy):
composer require "skTzoooTech/link-field:*"
composer require "ajshort/silverstripe-gridfieldextensions:*"
composer require "undefinedoffset/sortablegridfield:*"
The module requires JQuery so you need to add jquery to your Page_Controller class.
Make sure JQuery isn't added by any other module or else it might not work properly.
To add jquery to your Page_Controller class, add the following to the init method (see example below) :
public function init() {
You can display the carousel to any of your templates. For example if you want to add the carousel to your Layout/ file, add the following to the template:
There are heaps of configuration you can apply to the carousel. All can be set in the template by putting specific "data-cycle" value. If you wish to customize the template, copy the file to your themes template/Include folder. Follow the documentation found in malsups website