skycoin / skywire-services

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Skywire Services

skywire-services contains services that are required for skywire-visor to run. These services are

Running the services locally

Run make build to build all the services and make install to install them into go binaries folder.

Refer to the cmd subdirectories for setting up each individual service locally.

DB Setup

Some of our services needs database for running that we use postgresql here as default database. For setting it up, you just need run pg (by docker or install binary or etc.), make a database with UTF-8 character-set, and pass two credential as flag and save three of them as env variable before running services.

List of services needs DB:

So for example if you want run a service, you should pass --pg-host and --pg-port as flag on running its binary, and also save PG_USER, PG_PASSWORD and PG_DATABASE as env variable.

export PG_USER=username
export PG_PASSWORD=pass
export PG_DATABASE=sampledb

and run service by

./route-finder --pg-host localhost --pg-port 5432

All tables created automatically.


We run two service deployments - production and test.

Upon a push to master new code is deployed to prod on subomains

Pushing to develop deploys changes to test on subdomains.

Logs can be retrieved through kubectl or

Check the docs for more documentation on the deployments. Check Skywire Devops for more in depth info on our deployment setup.


API Documentation