skydoves / AndroidVeil

:performing_arts: An easy and flexible way to implement loading skeletons and shimmering effects on layouts for Android.
Apache License 2.0
1.49k stars 103 forks source link
android android-library android-ui androidveil recyclerview shimmer skeleton skydoves


An easy, flexible way to implement veil skeletons and shimmering effect for Android.

License API Build Status Android Weekly Medium Android Weekly

## Download [![Maven Central](]( ### Gradle Add the dependency below to your **module**'s `build.gradle` file: ```gradle dependencies { implementation("com.github.skydoves:androidveil:1.1.4") } ``` ## Usage First, add following XML namespace inside your XML layout file: ```gradle xmlns:app="" ``` #### VeilLayout in layout ```gradle ``` #### Veil and UnVeil We can implement veiled skeletons using below methods. ```java veilLayout.veil() veilLayout.unVeil() ``` #### Implement veils using layout resource We can implement veiled skeletons using the layout resource. ```java veilLayout.layout = R.layout.layout_item_test ``` ## VeilRecyclerFrameView `VeilRecyclerFrameView` implements veiled skeletons for RecyclerView with the shimmer effect. #### VeilRecyclerFrameView in layout ```gradle ``` And we should attach our own adapter and LayoutManager. ```java veilRecyclerView.setAdapter(adapter) // sets your own adapter veilRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(LinearLayoutManager(this)) // sets LayoutManager veilRecyclerView.addVeiledItems(15) // add veiled 15 items ``` #### VeilRecyclerFrameView with a horizontal carousel Automatically masking a horizontal layout is **not supported yet**. Horizontal (carousel) layouts **can** be used if you specify their shimmer layout yourself in advance (and tell the view to use this prepared layout by setting `isPrepared = true`). See `CarouselActivity` for an example ```kotlin veilRecyclerView.setVeilLayout( layout = R.layout.item_prepared_shimmer_carousel, isPrepared = true ) veilRecyclerView.setAdapter(adapter) veilRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(LinearLayoutManager(this, RecyclerView.HORIZONTAL, false)) addVeiledItems(15) ``` #### Veil and UnVeil We can implement veiled skeletons using below methods. ```java veilRecyclerView.veil() // shows veil skeletons veilRecyclerView.unVeil() // disappear veils and shows your own recyclerView ``` #### RecyclerView We can access our Recyclerview and veiledRecyclerView using the below methods. ```java veilRecyclerView.getRecyclerView() // veilRecyclerView.getRecyclerView().setHasFixedSize(true) veilRecyclerView.getVeiledRecyclerView() ``` ## Shimmer This library using [shimmer-android]( by Facebook.
Here are the detail [shimmer-instruction]( about shimmer or you can reference below examples. ### create using Builder This is how to create `Shimmer`'s instance using `Shimmer.Builder` class. ```kotlin val shimmer = Shimmer.ColorHighlightBuilder() .setBaseColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.shimmerBase0)) .setHighlightColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.shimmerHighlight0)) .setBaseAlpha(1f) .setHighlightAlpha(1f) .build() veilLayout.shimmer = shimmer // sets shimmer to VeilLayout veilRecyclerView.shimmer = shimmer // sets shimmer to VeilRecyclerView ``` ### create using kotlin dsl This is how to create `Shimmer`'s instance using kotlin dsl. ```kotlin val shimmer_alpha = alphaShimmer { setBaseAlpha(1.0f) setHighlightAlpha(0.5f) } val shimmer_color = colorShimmer { setBaseAlpha(1.0f) setHighlightAlpha(0.5f) setBaseColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.colorPrimary)) setHighlightColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.colorPrimaryDark)) } ``` ## AndroidVeil Attributes Attributes | Type | Default | Description --- | --- | --- | --- veiled | Boolean | false | shows veils initially. layout | Int | -1 | implement veils using the layout resource. radius | dimension | 8dp | sets corner radius to the veil items. drawable | Drawable | null | sets background drawable to the veil items. shimmerEnable | Boolean | true | sets shimmer enable. baseColor | ColorInt | Color.LTGRAY | sets shimmer base color. highlightColor | ColorInt | Color.DKGRAY | sets shimmer highlight color. baseAlpha | Float | 1.0f | sets shimmer base alpha value. highlightAlpha | Float | 1.0f | sets shimmer highlight alpha value. dropOff | Float | 0.5f | sets how quickly the shimmer's gradient drops-off. defaultChildVisible | Boolean | false | sets the child view's visibility when called veil and unveil. isItemWrapContentHeight | Boolean | false | sets height of veiled list item wrap_content isItemWrapContentWidth | Boolean | false | sets width of veiled list item wrap_content ## Find this repository useful? :heart: Support it by joining __[stargazers]( for this repository. :star:
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