skydoves / ColorPickerView

🎨 Android colorpicker for getting colors from any images by tapping on the desired color.
Apache License 2.0
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android android-library android-ui argb color-picker colorpicker colorpickerdialog colorpickerview skydoves


🎨 ColorPickerView enables you to obtain HSV colors, ARGB values, and Hex color codes from image drawables or your gallery pictures with a simple tap on the desired color. It offers additional features such as alpha and brightness slider bars, dialog support, and the ability to save and restore selected data.

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## ColorPicker Compose If you're looking to implement a color picker in your Compose project, you can use [colorpicker-compose]( instead. ## Including in your project [![Maven Central](]( ### Gradle Add the dependency below to your module's `build.gradle` file: ```gradle dependencies { implementation "com.github.skydoves:colorpickerview:2.3.0" } ``` ## SNAPSHOT [![ColorPickerView](](
Snapshots of the current development version of ColorPickerView are available, which track [the latest versions]( ```Gradle repositories { maven { url '' } } ``` ## Table of Contents #### [1. ColorPickerView]( - [ColorPickerView in layout]( - [ColorListener]( - [Palette]( - [ActionMode]( - [Debounce]( - [Create using builder]( - [Restore and save state]( - [Palette from Gallery](
__[2. AlphaSlideBar](
__[3. BrightnessSlideBar](
__[4. ColorPickerDialog](
__[5. FlagView](
__[6. AlphaTileView](
__[7. ColorPickerView Methods](
__[8. Other Libraries](
## Usage Add following XML namespace inside your XML layout file. ```gradle xmlns:app="" ``` ### ColorPickerView in XML layout You can simply use `ColorPickerView` by defining it on your XML files. This `ColorPickerView` will be initialized with the default HSV color palette and the default selector. ```gradle ``` ### Attributes You can customize the palette image and selector or various options using the below attributes: ```gradle app:palette="@drawable/palette" // sets a custom palette image. app:selector="@drawable/colorpickerview_wheel" // sets a custom selector image. app:selector_size="32dp" // sets a width & height size of the selector. app:alpha_selector="0.8" // sets an alpha of thr selector. app:alpha_flag="0.8" // sets an alpha of the flag. app:actionMode="last" // sets action mode 'always' or 'last'. // set an initial position of the selector using a specific color. This attribute will work with only a default HSV palette. app:initialColor="@color/colorPrimary" app:preferenceName="MyColorPicker" // sets a preference name. app:debounceDuration="200" // sets a debounce duration of the invoking color listener. ``` ### ColorListener `ColorListener` is triggered when a user taps the `ColorPickerView` or when a position is selected using a function. ```java colorPickerView.setColorListener(new ColorListener() { @Override public void onColorSelected(int color, boolean fromUser) { LinearLayout linearLayout = findViewById(; linearLayout.setBackgroundColor(color); } }); ``` ### ColorEnvelope `ColorEnvelope` is a versatile wrapper class for color models, offering a wide range of color-related data. It provides access to HSV color values, Hex string codes, and ARGB values. ```java colorEnvelope.getColor() // returns a integer color. colorEnvelope.getHexCode() // returns a hex code string. colorEnvelope.getArgb() // returns a argb integer array. ``` ### ColorEnvelope Listener `ColorEnvelopeListener` extends `ColorListener` and offers `ColorEnvelope` as a parameter, granting access to a variety of color values. ```java colorPickerView.setColorListener(new ColorEnvelopeListener() { @Override public void onColorSelected(ColorEnvelope envelope, boolean fromUser) { linearLayout.setBackgroundColor(envelope.getColor()); textView.setText("#" + envelope.getHexCode()); } }); ``` ### Palette If you do not set any custom palette, the default palette will be the `ColorHsvPalette`.
You can manually select a specific point for the selector by specifying a particular color value using the following methods: ```java colorPickerView.selectByHsvColor(color); colorPickerView.selectByHsvColorRes(R.color.colorPrimary); ``` You can change the default palette as a desired image drawable using the method below:
```java colorPickerView.setPaletteDrawable(drawable); ``` If you wish to revert to the default HSV palette, you can do so using the method below: ```java colorPickerView.setHsvPaletteDrawable(); ``` ### ActionMode `ActionMode` is an option that restricts the invocation of the ColorListener based on user actions. ```java colorPickerView.setActionMode(ActionMode.LAST); // ColorListener will be invoked when the finger is released. ``` ### Debounce If you want to emit color values to the listener with a particular delay, you can utilize `debounceDuration` attribute in your XML layout file: ```xml app:debounceDuration="150" ``` Or you can set it programmatically. ```java colorPickerView.setDebounceDuration(150); ``` ### Create using builder You can create an instance of `ColorPickerView` using `ColorPickerView.Builder` class like the example below: ```java ColorPickerView colorPickerView = new ColorPickerView.Builder(context) .setColorListener(colorListener) .setPreferenceName("MyColorPicker"); .setActionMode(ActionMode.LAST) .setAlphaSlideBar(alphaSlideBar) .setBrightnessSlideBar(brightnessSlideBar) .setFlagView(new CustomFlag(context, R.layout.layout_flag)) .setPaletteDrawable(ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.palette)) .setSelectorDrawable(ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.selector)) .build(); ``` ### Initial color You can define an initial color and position the selector and slide bars based on that initial color. Please note that this function is compatible only with the default HSV palette. Additionally, if you set a preference name using the `setPreferenceName` method, this function will work only once. ```gradle app:initialColor="@color/colorPrimary" ``` Or you can use this method programmatically. ```java .setInitialColor(color); .setInitialColorRes(R.color.colorPrimary); ``` ### Restore and save This is how to restore the state of `ColorPickerView`.
`setPreferenceName()` method restores all of the saved states (selector, color) automatically. ```java colorPickerView.setPreferenceName("MyColorPicker"); ``` This is how to save the states of `ColorPickerView`.
The `setLifecycleOwner()` method saves all of the states automatically when the `lifecycleOwner` is destroy. ```java colorPickerView.setLifecycleOwner(this); ``` Or you can save the states manually using the method below: ```java ColorPickerPreferenceManager.getInstance(this).saveColorPickerData(colorPickerView); ``` ### Manipulate and clear You can manipulate and clear the saved states using `ColorPickerPreferenceManager`. ```java ColorPickerPreferenceManager manager = ColorPickerPreferenceManager.getInstance(this); manager.setColor("MyColorPicker", Color.RED); // manipulates the saved color data. manager.setSelectorPosition("MyColorPicker", new Point(120, 120)); // manipulates the saved selector's position data. manager.clearSavedAllData(); // clears all of the states. manager.clearSavedColor("MyColorPicker"); // clears only saved color data. manager.restoreColorPickerData(colorPickerView); // restores the saved states manually. ``` ### Palette from Gallery Here is an example of how to get a bitmap drawable from the gallery image and set it to the palette.

Declare the permission below on your `AndroidManifest.xml` file: ```gradle ``` The codes below will start the Gallery and you can choose any desired images: ```java Intent photoPickerIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK); photoPickerIntent.setType("image/*"); startActivityForResult(photoPickerIntent, REQUEST_CODE_GALLERY); ``` In the `onActivityResult`, you can get a bitmap drawable from the gallery and set it as the palette. You can also change the palette image of the `ColorPickerView` using the `setPaletteDrawable` method. ```java try { final Uri imageUri = data.getData(); final InputStream imageStream = getContentResolver().openInputStream(imageUri); final Bitmap selectedImage = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(imageStream); Drawable drawable = new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), selectedImage); colorPickerView.setPaletteDrawable(drawable); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ``` ## AlphaSlideBar `AlphaSlideBar` adjusts the transparency value of the selected color.

`AlphaSlideBar` in XML layout ```gradle // sets a size of the border. ``` You can attach and connect the `AlphaSlideBar` to your `ColorPickerView` using the `attachAlphaSlider` method. ```java AlphaSlideBar alphaSlideBar = findViewById(; colorPickerView.attachAlphaSlider(alphaSlideBar); ``` If you want to implement a vertical style of slides, you can achieve it with the `rotation` attributes. ```gradle android:layout_width="280dp" // width must set a specific width size. android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:rotation="90" ``` ## BrightnessSlideBar `BrightnessSlideBar` adjusts the brightness of the selected color.

`BrightnessSlideBar` in XML layout ```gradle // sets a size of the border. ``` You can attach and connect the `BrightnessSlideBar` to your `ColorPickerView` using `attachBrightnessSlider` method. ```java BrightnessSlideBar brightnessSlideBar = findViewById(; colorPickerView.attachBrightnessSlider(brightnessSlideBar); ``` If you want to implement a vertical style of slides, you can achieve it with the `rotation` attributes. ```gradle android:layout_width="280dp" // width must set a specific width size. android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:rotation="90" ``` ## ColorPickerDialog ![dialog0]( ![dialog1](
`ColorPickerDialog` can be used just like an AlertDialog and it provides colors by tapping from any drawable.
```java new ColorPickerDialog.Builder(this) .setTitle("ColorPicker Dialog") .setPreferenceName("MyColorPickerDialog") .setPositiveButton(getString(R.string.confirm), new ColorEnvelopeListener() { @Override public void onColorSelected(ColorEnvelope envelope, boolean fromUser) { setLayoutColor(envelope); } }) .setNegativeButton(getString(R.string.cancel), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) { dialogInterface.dismiss(); } }) .attachAlphaSlideBar(true) // the default value is true. .attachBrightnessSlideBar(true) // the default value is true. .setBottomSpace(12) // set a bottom space between the last slidebar and buttons. .show(); ``` You can get an instance of `ColorPickerView` from the `ColorPickerView.Builder` and customize it by your preferences.
```java ColorPickerView colorPickerView = builder.getColorPickerView(); colorPickerView.setFlagView(new CustomFlag(this, R.layout.layout_flag)); // sets a custom flagView; // shows the dialog ``` ## FlagView You can implement displaying `FlagView` over the selector.
This library provides `BubbleFlagView` by default as you can see in the [previews](
Here is an example code for displaying a bubble flag view, which indicates what color value was selected. ```java BubbleFlag bubbleFlag = new BubbleFlag(this); bubbleFlag.setFlagMode(FlagMode.FADE); colorPickerView.setFlagView(bubbleFlag); ``` You can also fully customize the `FlagView` like the example below:
![flag0]( ![flag1](
First, create a custom XML layout like the example below: ```gradle ``` Next, you should create a class that extends `FlagView`: ```java public class CustomFlag extends FlagView { private TextView textView; private AlphaTileView alphaTileView; public CustomFlag(Context context, int layout) { super(context, layout); textView = findViewById(; alphaTileView = findViewById(; } @Override public void onRefresh(ColorEnvelope colorEnvelope) { textView.setText("#" + colorEnvelope.getHexCode()); alphaTileView.setPaintColor(colorEnvelope.getColor()); } } ``` As you can see in the above code, you can observe and update the layout inside the `onRefresh` method. Lastly, set the `FlagView` to the `ColorPickerView` using the `setFlagView` method: ```java colorPickerView.setFlagView(new CustomFlag(this, R.layout.layout_flag)); ``` ### FlagMode `FlagMode` is an option to decides the visibility action of the `FlagView`. ```java colorPickerView.setFlagMode(FlagMode.ALWAYS); // showing always by tapping and dragging. colorPickerView.setFlagMode(FlagMode.LAST); // showing only when finger released. ``` ## AlphaTileView ![alphatileview](
`AlphaTileView` visualizes ARGB colors over the view.
If we need to represent ARGB colors on the general view, it will not be showing accurately. Because a color will be mixed with the parent view's background color. so if we need to represent ARGB colors accurately, we can use the `AlphaTileView`. ```gradle // the color of odd tiles ``` ### ColorPickerView Methods Methods | Return | Description --- | --- | --- getColor() | int | gets the last selected color. getColorEnvelope() | ColorEnvelope | gets the `ColorEnvelope` of the last selected color. setPaletteDrawable(Drawable drawable) | void | changes palette drawable manually. setSelectorDrawable(Drawable drawable) | void | changes selector drawable manually. setSelectorPoint(int x, int y) | void | selects the specific coordinate of the palette manually. selectByHsvColor(@ColorInt int color) | void | changes selector's selected point by a specific color. selectByHsvColorRes(@ColorRes int resource) | void | changes selector's selected point by a specific color using a color resource. setHsvPaletteDrawable() | void | changes the palette drawable as the default drawable (ColorHsvPalette). selectCenter() | void | selects the center of the palette manually. setInitialColor(@ColorInt int color) | void | changes selector's selected point by a specific color initially. setInitialColorRes(@ColorRes int resource) | void | changes selector's selected point by a specific color initially using a color resource. setActionMode(ActionMode) | void | sets the color listener's trigger action mode. setFlagView(FlagView flagView) | void | sets `FlagView` on `ColorPickerView`. attachAlphaSlider | void | linking an `AlphaSlideBar` on the `ColorPickerView`. attachBrightnessSlider | void | linking an `BrightnessSlideBar` on the `ColorPickerView`. ## Other Libraries Here are other ColorPicker related libraries! ### ColorPickerPreference [A library]( that let you implement ColorPickerView, ColorPickerDialog, ColorPickerPreference. ### Multi-ColorPickerView You can get colors using multi selectors.
At [here]( you can get a more specialized library on multi-coloring. ![screenshot1128436220]( ## Find this library useful? :heart: Support it by joining [stargazers]( for this repository. :star:
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