skydoves / Orbital

🪐 Jetpack Compose Multiplatform library that allows you to implement dynamic transition animations such as shared element transitions.
Apache License 2.0
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android animation jetpack-compose sharedelementtransitions skydoves


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🪐 Jetpack Compose animation library that allows you to implement animations such as shared element transition. This library support Kotlin Multiplatform (Android, iOS, Desktop, macOS, and js)

## Download [![Maven Central](]( ### Gradle Add the dependency below to your **module**'s `build.gradle` file: ```gradle dependencies { implementation("com.github.skydoves:orbital:0.4.0") } ``` > **Note**: This is an experimental library that demonstrates various animations with Jetpack Compose. Please make sure that your project uses Jetpack Compose `1.5.4`, Compose Compiler `1.5.4`, and Kotlin `1.9.20`. For Kotlin Multiplatform, add the dependency below to your **module**'s `build.gradle.kts` file: ```gradle sourceSets { val commonMain by getting { dependencies { implementation("com.github.skydoves:orbital:$version") } } } ``` ## Usage You can implement three kinds of animations with Orbital: **Movement**, **Transformation**, and **Shared Element Transition**. Basically, you can run animation with `Orbital` Composable function, which provides `OrbitalScope` that allows you to create animations. ### Transformation The example below shows how to implement resizing animation with the `animateTransformation` extension of the `OrbitalScope`. The `rememberContentWithOrbitalScope` allows you to create custom animations such as `animateTransformation` on the `OrbitalScope`. You can apply the `animateTransformation` animation to specific Composables and customize its `AnimationSpec` as seen the below: ```kotlin val transformationSpec = SpringSpec( dampingRatio = Spring.DampingRatioMediumBouncy, stiffness = 200f ) var isTransformed by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(false) } val poster = rememberContentWithOrbitalScope { GlideImage( modifier = if (isTransformed) { Modifier.size(300.dp, 620.dp) } else { Modifier.size(100.dp, 220.dp) }.animateTransformation(this, transformationSpec), imageModel = ItemUtils.urls[0], contentScale = ContentScale.Fit ) } Orbital( modifier = Modifier .clickable { isTransformed = !isTransformed } ) { Column( Modifier.fillMaxSize(), horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally, verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center ) { poster() } } ``` ### Movement The example below shows how to implement movement animation with the `animateMovement` extension of the `OrbitalScope`. The `rememberContentWithOrbitalScope` allows you to create custom animations such as `animateMovement` on the `OrbitalScope`. You can apply the `animateMovement` animation to specific Composables and customize its `AnimationSpec` as seen the below: ```kotlin val movementSpec = SpringSpec( dampingRatio = Spring.DampingRatioMediumBouncy, stiffness = 200f ) var isTransformed by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(false) } val poster = rememberContentWithOrbitalScope { GlideImage( modifier = if (isTransformed) { Modifier.size(360.dp, 620.dp) } else { Modifier.size(130.dp, 220.dp) }.animateMovement(this, movementSpec), imageModel = ItemUtils.urls[3], contentScale = ContentScale.Fit ) } Orbital( modifier = Modifier .clickable { isTransformed = !isTransformed } ) { if (isTransformed) { Column( Modifier.fillMaxSize(), horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally, verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center ) { poster() } } else { Column( Modifier .fillMaxSize() .padding(20.dp), horizontalAlignment = Alignment.End, verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Bottom ) { poster() } } } ``` ### Shared Element Transition The example below shows how to implement shared element transition with the `animateSharedElementTransition` extension of the `OrbitalScope`. The `rememberContentWithOrbitalScope` allows you to create custom animations such as `animateSharedElementTransition` on the `OrbitalScope`. You can apply the `animateSharedElementTransition` animation to specific Composables and customize its `AnimationSpec`. Also, you can set the different `AnimationSpec`s for the movement and transformation as seen the below: ```kotlin @Composable private fun OrbitalSharedElementTransitionExample() { var isTransformed by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(false) } val item = MockUtils.getMockPosters()[3] val poster = rememberContentWithOrbitalScope { GlideImage( modifier = if (isTransformed) { Modifier.fillMaxSize() } else { Modifier.size(130.dp, 220.dp) }.animateSharedElementTransition( this, SpringSpec(stiffness = 500f), SpringSpec(stiffness = 500f) ), imageModel = item.poster, contentScale = ContentScale.Fit ) } Orbital( modifier = Modifier .clickable { isTransformed = !isTransformed } ) { if (isTransformed) { PosterDetails( poster = item, sharedElementContent = { poster() }, pressOnBack = {} ) } else { Column( Modifier .fillMaxSize() .padding(20.dp), horizontalAlignment = Alignment.End, verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Bottom ) { poster() } } } } ``` > **Note**: LookaheadLayout is a very experimental API, so measuring complex Composables might throw exceptions. ### Shared Element Transition with Multiple Items The example below shows how to implement shared element transition with multipe items. The basic concept of the usage is the same as the **Shared Element Transition** example. ```kotlin var isTransformed by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(false) } val items = rememberContentWithOrbitalScope { ItemUtils.urls.forEach { url -> GlideImage( modifier = if (isTransformed) { Modifier.size(140.dp, 180.dp) } else { Modifier.size(100.dp, 220.dp) } .animateSharedElementTransition(movementSpec, transformationSpec) .padding(8.dp), imageModel = url, contentScale = ContentScale.Fit ) } } Orbital( modifier = Modifier .fillMaxSize() .clickable { isTransformed = !isTransformed }, isTransformed = isTransformed, onStartContent = { Column( Modifier.fillMaxSize(), horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally, verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center ) { items() } }, onTransformedContent = { Row( verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically ) { items() } } ) ``` ### Shared Element Transition With LazyList The provided code example illustrates the implementation of shared element transformation (container transform) with a lazy list, such as `LazyColumn` and `LazyRow`. The `OrbitalScope` function initiates a scope in which all layout scopes will be measured and pre-calculated for size and position across all child layouts. ```kotlin @Composable fun OrbitalLazyColumnSample() { val mocks = MockUtils.getMockPosters() Orbital { LazyColumn { items(mocks, key = { }) { poster -> var expanded by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(false) } AnimatedVisibility( remember { MutableTransitionState(false) } .apply { targetState = true }, enter = fadeIn(), ) { Orbital(modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .clickable { expanded = !expanded } .background(color = poster.color, shape = RoundedCornerShape(10.dp))) { val title = rememberMovableContentOf { Column( modifier = Modifier .padding(10.dp) .animateBounds(Modifier), ) { Text( text =, fontSize = 18.sp, color = Color.Black, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold, ) Text( text = poster.description, color = Color.Gray, fontSize = 12.sp, maxLines = 3, overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold, ) } } val image = rememberMovableContentOf { GlideImage( imageModel = { poster.poster }, component = rememberImageComponent { +CrossfadePlugin() }, modifier = Modifier .padding(10.dp) .animateBounds( if (expanded) { Modifier.fillMaxWidth() } else { Modifier.size(80.dp) }, spring(stiffness = Spring.StiffnessLow), ) .clip(RoundedCornerShape(5.dp)), imageOptions = ImageOptions(requestSize = IntSize(600, 600)), ) } if (expanded) { Column { image() title() } } else { Row { image() title() } } } } } } } } ``` You should bear in mind these three aspects: - **Orbital**: The `Orbital` function starts a scope, which measures and pre-calculates the layout size and position for all child layouts. Fundamentally, it initiates a reusable Compose node for the given content, which makes all magic things under the hood. You can utilize the `Orbital` in nested ways based on your specific scenarios, as illustrated in the code above. - **rememberMovableContentOf**: Utilize this function to remember a movable Composable function, allowing it to be relocated within the Compose tree. All items intended for transformation should be pre-defined using this function, enabling you to display different content based on various situations. All content defined using `rememberMovableContentOf` must be employed within the `Orbital`. - **animateBounds**: This serves as the delegate of the `Modifier` to compute distinct layout sizes based on various situations. It should be used in conjunction with the `rememberMovableContentOf` function. ### Transition Between Composables You can implement transitions between composable functions, as you've learned in the previous functions. The sample code below demonstrates how you can implement a shared element transition between screens A and B by defining shared content: ```kotlin enum class Screen { A, B; } @Composable fun ScreenTransitionSample() { Orbital { var screen by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(Screen.A) } val sizeAnim = spring(stiffness = Spring.StiffnessLow) val positionAnim = spring(stiffness = Spring.StiffnessLow) val image = rememberMovableContentOf { GlideImage( imageModel = { MockUtils.getMockPoster().poster }, component = rememberImageComponent { +CrossfadePlugin() }, modifier = Modifier .padding(10.dp) .animateBounds( modifier = if (screen == Screen.A) { Modifier.size(80.dp) } else { Modifier.fillMaxWidth() }, sizeAnimationSpec = sizeAnim, positionAnimationSpec = positionAnim, ) .clip(RoundedCornerShape(12.dp)), imageOptions = ImageOptions(requestSize = IntSize(600, 600)), ) } val title = rememberMovableContentOf { Column( modifier = Modifier .padding(10.dp) .animateBounds( modifier = Modifier, sizeAnimationSpec = sizeAnim, positionAnimationSpec = positionAnim ), ) { Text( text = MockUtils.getMockPoster().name, fontSize = 18.sp, color = Color.Black, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold, ) Text( text = MockUtils.getMockPoster().description, color = Color.Gray, fontSize = 12.sp, maxLines = 3, overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold, ) } } if (screen == Screen.A) { ScreenA( sharedContent = { image() title() }) { screen = Screen.B } } else { ScreenB( sharedContent = { image() title() }) { screen = Screen.A } } } } @Composable private fun ScreenA( sharedContent: @Composable () -> Unit, navigateToScreenB: () -> Unit ) { Orbital { Row(modifier = Modifier .background(color = Color(0xFFffd7d7)) .fillMaxSize() .clickable { navigateToScreenB.invoke() }) { sharedContent() } } } @Composable private fun ScreenB( sharedContent: @Composable () -> Unit, navigateToScreenA: () -> Unit ) { Orbital { Column(modifier = Modifier .background(color = Color(0xFFe3ffd9)) .fillMaxSize() .clickable { navigateToScreenA() }) { sharedContent() } } } ``` Unfortunately, you can't achieve this transition with [Jetpack Compose Navigation]( yet. ## Find this repository useful? :heart: Support it by joining __[stargazers]( for this repository. :star:
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