The matchmaking app for skyexpo AI 2020.
You need:
with version at least 18.02
with a version at least 1.21
or higherTo start development server inside docker you will need to run:
docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm web python migrate
docker-compose up
We store secret settings in config/.env
Before running a project, you will need to copy file config/.env.template
to config/.env
cp ./backend/config/.env.template ./backend/config/.env
Then you can set up your secret variables there.
API documentation is available at localhost:8000/redoc.
Staging is available at:
We use pre-commit hooks to run all checks locally before pushing a commit to CI. It prevents you from pushing broken code to the repository.
To install pre-commit hooks
you will need to run:
docker-compose run --rm web poetry shell
pre-commit install
Thanks to django-extensions
, ipython
and jupyter notebooks
we can easily leverage Python interactive interpreter to debug our code live.
To do so run ./ shell_plus --notebook
. Then copy generated link and paste into browser.
Running mypy is required before any commit:
This will eliminate a lot of possible TypeError and other issues. However, this will not make code 100% safe from errors. So, both the testing and review process are still required.
is configured via setup.cfg
. Read the docs for more information.
We also use django-stubs to type django internals.
There are three common ways to execute mypy:
docker-compose exec web bash -c ": "${PYTHONPATH:=''}"; PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$PWD" mypy server"
in terminal locally (much faster):
python3.7 -m pip install poetry
poetry install
poetry shell
PYTHONPATH="$PWD" mypy server
If you use PyCharm we highly recommend installing mypy-PyCharm-plugin.
You must go through steps in point 2. Then in mypy-PyCharm-plugin go to Configure plugin
and set Mypy command
cd /PycharmProjectsDir/v1-video/backend; PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$PWD" /PoetryVirtualEnvsDir/virtualenvs/v1-video-py3.7/bin/mypy server
cd /Users/marcinjosinski/PycharmProjects/v1-video/backend; PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$PWD" /Users/marcinjosinski/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/v1-video-py3.7/bin/mypy server
We use mypy for optional static typing. We run tests with pytest framework.
We use a lot of pytest
plugins that enchance our development experience. List of these plugins is available inside pyproject.toml
To run tests you can use docker-compose run --rm web pytest .
This project uses wemake-python-styleguide which is a flake8 based plugin. And it is also the strictest and most opinionated python linter ever. See wemake-python-styleguide docs.
To run production you will need to to execute:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up --build
We do not store our secret settings inside our source code. All sensible settings are stored in config/.env file, which is not tracked by the version control.
We store them as secret environment variables in our Drone CI Then we use dump-env to dump variables from both environment and .env file template. Then, this file is copied inside docker image and when this image is built - everything is ready for production. Check out dump-env project to read more.