skypies / flightdb

Libs to manage a database of flight tracking data, providing automated waypoint annotations, time/space historical search, and realtime airspace display.
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 1 forks source link

flightdb - a database for flight tracks


Download and run things on http://localhost:8080/:

go get
go run $GOPATH/*.go

To deploy everything into a Google Cloud project:

gcloud app deploy --project=serfr0-fdb app/frontend --version=one
gcloud app deploy --project=serfr0-fdb app/backend  --version=one

gcloud app deploy --project=serfr0-fdb app/dispatch.yaml
gcloud app deploy --project=serfr0-fdb app/queues.yaml
gcloud app deploy --project=serfr0-fdb app/cron.yaml
gcloud app deploy --project=serfr0-fdb app/index.yaml

If you want it to accumulate realtime flight track data, you'll also want to:

The skypies will post bundles of received ADSB (and perhaps MLAT) messages up to Google PubSub, every second or so. The consolidator will read those bundles, group them by airframe, and add them into the database.

If you have CSV dumps of historical flight track data (perhaps from the FAA), you can import it using the code in