sl30724 / PlanningApp

This app is made for Mobile App Dev 2022 Fall class
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APP idea

A daily-planner app that balances productivity and personal well-being.

Have you ever felt stressed just thinking about all the tasks you've planned for yourself today? This is an app made for perfectionist, overachiever, and those who need to hear “you’re doing great! But don’t forget to take a break.”

By giving gentle, warm reminders of approaching tasks, leaving humurous compliments after completing every task, encouraging rest time WITHOUT the annoying positivity quotes or “look on the bright side” bullsh$t, planning your day can be rewarding, fun, and stress-free.

Keywords: Daily planner, Balance, Selfcare, Productivity, Rest time, Rewarding, Fun, Stressfree

Problem Statement

While most planner apps focus on producticity, and most self-care apps encourage rest time; they both ignore people’s need of having a balance between being productive and being well-rested. This is an app that aims to bring that balance to people’s attention.

Perfectionists, overachievers, people with anxiety, or people who simply have too much on their plates often don’t realize they’re pushing themselves too much until they are burnt out. Although planning their tasks ahead of time and keeping things on track could help these people feel more in control, most planner apps ignore the other crucial need of these people – rest time without reasons.


The goal of this project is essentially creating an app that I want to use myself!

List of feature ideas

APIs needed

List of screens & screen map

See this Figma file

Wireframes, sketches, or screen designs

View on this Figma File


I'm excited that I've been able to make my code reusable, and I'm able to overcome issues I run into by researching it online. I've been intimidated by storing and passing data, so I've worked on views so far to get myself familiar with Switch.