slackapi / python-slack-hooks

Helper library implementing the contract between the Slack CLI and Bolt for Python
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bolt cli python python3 slack slack-api slack-cli

Python Slack Hooks

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This library defines the contract between the Slack CLI and Bolt for Python.


This library enables inter-process communication between the Slack CLI and applications built with Bolt for Python.

When used together, the CLI delegates various tasks to the Bolt application by invoking processes ("hooks") and then making use of the responses provided by each hook's stdout.

For a complete list of available hooks, read the Supported Hooks section.


The latest minor version of Bolt v1 is recommended.


A Slack CLI-compatible Slack application includes a ./slack.json file that contains hooks specific to that project. Each hook is associated with commands that are available in the Slack CLI. By default, get-hooks retrieves all of the supported hooks and their corresponding scripts as defined in this library.

The CLI will always use the version of the python-slack-hooks that is specified in the project's requirements.txt.

Supported Hooks

The hooks currently supported for use within the Slack CLI include check-update, doctor, get-hooks, get-manifest, and start:

Hook Name CLI Command File Description
check-update slack update Checks the project's Slack dependencies to determine whether or not any libraries need to be updated.
doctor slack doctor Returns runtime versions and other system dependencies required by the application.
get-hooks All Fetches the list of available hooks for the CLI from this repository.
get-manifest slack manifest Converts a manifest.json file into a valid manifest JSON payload.
start slack run While developing locally, the CLI manages a socket connection with Slack's backend and utilizes this hook for events received via this connection.

Overriding Hooks

To customize the behavior of a hook, add the hook to your application's /slack.json file, and provide a corresponding script to be executed.

When commands are run, the Slack CLI will look to the project's hook definitions and use those instead of what's defined in this library, if provided.

Below is an example /slack.json file that overrides the default start:

  "hooks": {
    "get-hooks": "python3 -m slack_cli_hooks.hooks.get_hooks",
    "start": "python3"


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