Genesis tools for use in LUME.
conda install -c conda-forge lume-genesis genesis2=*=mpi_openmpi* genesis4=*=mpi_openmpi*
conda install -c conda-forge lume-genesis genesis2=*=mpi_mpich* genesis4=*=mpi_mpich*
conda install -c conda-forge lume-genesis
versions availableconda search lume-genesis --channel conda-forge
A conda environment file is provided in this repository and may be used for a development environment.
To create a new conda environment using this file, do the following:
git clone
cd lume-genesis
conda env create -n lume-genesis-dev -f environment.yml
conda activate lume-genesis-dev
The lume-genesis package was used in the following publications:
Very high brightness and power LCLS-II hard X-ray pulses\ Aliaksei Halavanau, Franz-Josef Decker, Claudio Emma, Jackson Sheppard, and Claudio Pellegrini\ J. Synchrotron Rad. (2019). 26\