slds-lmu / i2dl
MIT License
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How to create a new website repository?

  1. Create a new repository with the name website_xyz and select slds-lmu/website_template as template repository
  2. There should already be a gh-pages branch. If not, create it.
  3. Go to Settings -> Pages and select the gh-pages branch as built branch.
  4. Change all website_template entries in the config.toml file to your repository name website_xyz (this should happen in two places, line 1 the baseURL and line 43 the footer url).
  5. The built of the website should already be available at
  6. [Optional] Add your website link to the description of the repository to make it accessible more easily.
  7. Edit the team page. Remove people not affiliated with the lecture and add add relevant people.
  8. Edit your files as described below.

Edit the content of the website

Deploying the website

The deploy is done automatically via GitHub Actions. Nothing needs to be done to publish a new version of the website. Each build is triggered when a commit is done to the main branch.
