slenky / puppet-notifier

Custom Puppet report handler for Skype, Slack and Telegram.
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custom notifier puppet reports ruby skype slack telegram

Puppet-Notifier module

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with notifier
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This module allows you to send managed Puppet reports into Skype, Slack and Telegram about status changes on your infrastructure on every Puppet run. Reports would be sent for you if the status equals changed or failed. Integration with PuppetBoard included!



It is vital to install this module into core modules folder of your Puppetserver (i.e /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules)!


  1. Create the Skype bot at BotFramework. Catch the Application ID and Application secret values.
  2. Create conversation in Skype, add bot and write '/get name' in IM to gather chat ID.


You just need to add new webhook for your team here. No additional modifications required. Webhook would be in format


  1. Find the @BotFather contact
  2. Write /newbot and pass through multiple questions.
  3. Get the access token from the answer.
  4. Add your new bot into channel and write something like @YOURBOT hello
  5. Open and find the chat id variable.


Simply add the class of the service you want to use into your manifest within Puppetserver node:

node 'puppetserver' {

  $puppetboard_link = ''
  class { 'notifier::skyper':
    chat_id => '',
    client_id => 'someclientid',
    puppetboard => $puppetboard_link,
    client_secret => 'someclientsecret'
  class { 'notifier::slacker':
    hook_url => '',
    username => 'Puppet Notifier',
    channel  => '#puppet-test',
    puppetboard => $puppetboard_link,
    icon_url => ''
  class { 'notifier::telegramer':
    token => 'your_bot_token',
    chat_id => 'chat_id_from_api',
    send_stickers  => 'true',
    puppetboard => $puppetboard_link




chat_id - your conversation ID from '/get name' command client_id - Application ID from BotFramework client_secret - Application Secret puppetboard - Link to your Puppetboard


hook_url - your Incoming Webhook URL channel - where to send reports username - bot name which send reports icon_url - small image which stands for bot avatar


token - access key from BotFather chat_id - conversation ID from API send_stickers - should your bot send telegram stickers with report based on his status or not. Remove this attribute to disable.


This module was tested on Puppet 5.2.0 with latest Puppetserver 5.1.4.


Feel free to create issues, PR and so on :)