slickplaid / node-slack-mailgun

Slack Mailgun (SlackGun) is a simple webhook system to make it easy to route Mailgun's Webhooks to Slack.
MIT License
18 stars 4 forks source link

Slack Mailgun (SlackGun) Build Status

Slack Mailgun (SlackGun) is a simple webhook system to make it easy to route Mailgun's Webhooks to Slack. This was built because there existed no simple way that I saw that could map Mailgun to Slack without paying an arm and a leg for it.

Why pay for it when it's easy enough to simply build?


You can integrate SlackGun into your existing web application or use it standalone from the command line.

Using it with Express

npm install node-slack-mailgun

var SlackGun = require('node-slack-mailgun');
var slack_hook_url = '';
var mailgun_apikey = '123abc';
var express = require('express');

var app = express();

app.use('/api/mailgun', SlackGun({
    slack: { hook: slack_hook_url },
    mailgun: { apikey: mailgun_apikey }

Now any requests from Mailgun to /api/mailgun will be routed to slack as a message.

Using it with the build in http/s Node.js Module

Not yet implemented

Using it from the command line

Not fully implemented

npm install -g node-slack-mailgun

Then you should be able to run it from the command line (tested on Linux):

$ slackgun

  Usage: slackgun [options] <hook>


    -h, --help              output usage information
    -V, --version           output the version number
    -p, --port [port]       Specify Port to Listen On. Default: <3000>
    -h, --hostname [ip]     Specify hostname to Listen On. Default: <>
    -u, --url [url]         Specify URL Endpoint. Default: '/'
    -m, --mailgun [apikey]  Specify mailgun API key
    -v, --verbose           Turn on verbose error debugging.


node-slack-mailgun accepts a few options when initalizing.

var SlackGun = require('node-slack-mailgun');

    slack: { // Options for slack
        hook: 'url', // Required. The hook URL for posting messages to slack.
        options: 'object', // Optional. Options to pass to
        channel: '#general', // Optional. By default we'll send to the #general channel.
        username: 'Mailgun', // Optional. By default we'll send using the "Mailgun" username to slack.
        icon_emoji: 'mailbox_with_mail', // Optional. By default we'll set the icon to :mailbox_with_mail:
    mailgun: { // Options for mailgun
        apikey: 'string' // Optional. Used for verifying the HMAC token sent with a request.

Customize Messages Sent To Slack

By default we send a generic message rendered by Mustache.js as attachments to Slack.

If you want to customize these messages, you have a few options.

Option #1 - String replacement

Give us a string in the options text for slack of that particular type of event, and we'll render it using Mustache and the body of the Mailgun post. You can use any of Slack's input decoractions here as well, such as using *bold* and _italics_.

If you don't want to write an individual string for each one, just include 'all' in there, and we'll use that for all event types if you don't specifically set one. In the below settings, all would include [complained, bounced, dropped, delivered] but not [opened, clicked, unsubscribed] because those are specified.

If you would prefer not to listen or accept an event type, set it to false and we will ignore it.

Catch all events

var SlackGun = require('node-slack-mailgun');

    slack: { // Options for slack
        hook: 'url', // Required. The hook URL for posting messages to slack.
    templates: { // Options for templates
        opened: '*{{recipient}}* _{{event}}_ our email.', // " opened our email."
        clicked: '*{{recipient}}* _{{event}}_ {{{url}}}', // " clicked"
        unsubscribed: '*{{recipient}}* _{{event}}_ from {{mailing-list}}', // " unsubscribed from"
        all: '*{{recipient}}*\n*Event:* _{{event}}_' 

Ignore Some Events

var SlackGun = require('node-slack-mailgun');

    slack: { // Options for slack
        hook: 'url', // Required. The hook URL for posting messages to slack.
    templates: { // Options for templates
        opened: false, // ignore this event
        clicked: '*{{recipient}}* _{{event}}_ {{{url}}}', // " clicked"
        unsubscribed: '*{{recipient}}* _{{event}}_ from {{mailing-list}}', // " unsubscribed from"

Option #2 - Attachment Array

Not yet fully implemented. If you return an array in your custom function (like below), we'll attempt to send it as an attachment instead of text.

Option #3 - Custom Function

You can supply us a function and we'll give you the variables. Just give us back the string to use for the text response or an array for the attachment.

var SlackGun = require('node-slack-mailgun');

    slack: { // Options for slack
        hook: 'url', // Required. The hook URL for posting messages to slack.
    templates: { // Options for templates
        // You can make this for any event type Mailgun sends
        all: function(variables, callback) { // callback(error, [string|array]);
            // Do your magic
            // We will not do any manipulation on the string or array you return to us.
            // Just be sure to callback an error (which will halt sending if not null) and the string or array to be used for sending a message to Slack

List of Event Types and Variables from Mailgun



Honey-Do List


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