MYNT EYE 1.x SDK and wrapper is no longer supported. Please upgrade to 2.x SDK and firmware and use the wrapper inside.
MYNT EYE 1.x SDK and wrapper is no longer supported. Please upgrade to 2.x SDK and firmware and use the wrapper inside.
MYNT EYE 1.x SDK and wrapper is no longer supported. Please upgrade to 2.x SDK and firmware and use the wrapper inside.
MYNT EYE 2.x Guide
MYNT EYE ROS Wrapper lets you use MYNT EYE camera with ROS. It publishs the topics of left and right images, depth map, imu, etc.
$ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone
The wrapper is a catkin package. You only need run catkin_make
to build it.
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/
$ catkin_make
$ source ./devel/setup.bash
Run MYNT EYE camera node, and open Rviz to display:
$ roslaunch mynteye_ros_wrapper mynt_camera_display.launch
Run MYNT EYE camera node:
$ roslaunch mynteye_ros_wrapper mynt_camera.launch
# Or
$ rosrun mynteye_ros_wrapper mynteye_wrapper_node