slightlyoff / declarative_web_actions

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Declarative Web Actions Explained

March 8th, 2019
Last Update: March 8th, 2019

Alex Russell code>&lt;;</code
Frances Berriman code>&lt;;</code

What’s all this then?

Declarative Web Actions (DWAs) are an extension to Web App Manifests that support in-app actions (e.g., menu and keyboard-driven commands) as well as external assistant-driven interactions with services.

DWAs build on the HTTP-centric pattern we contributed to the Web Share Target, adding a document-side set of events and interfaces to handle actions in-app.

These extensions seek to enable developers to surface more understanding about what's possible within applications to runtimes and crawlers. Deeper integration with assistive and a11y technology may result from broad DWA deployment.


Declarative Web Actions should enable:


It is not a goal to:

Key scenarios

PWA Menus & Keyboard Accelerators

Desktop PWAs are currently missing a way to provide system-integrated menus and keyboard accelerators. To improve this situation, we propose extensions to the Web App Manifest that all PWAs much include. As a refresher, web pages that wish to be installed must like to a manifest in the <head> of their documents, like this:

<link rel="manifest" href="">

Manifests must include a few properties to be treated as installable, e.g.:

  "name": "Frobulator Deluxe",
  "short_name": "Frobulator",
  "icons": [
      "src": "/app/images/icons-512.png",
      "type": "image/png",
      "sizes": "512x512"
  "start_url": "/app/?source=pwa",
  "background_color": "#3367D6",
  "display": "standalone",
  "scope": "/app/",
  "theme_color": "#3367D6",

To implement menuing, we add an actions section:

  "name": "Frobulator Deluxe",
  "short_name": "Frobulator",


  "actions": [
      "name": "Start",
      "action": "/app/start",

Each item, by default, invokes a navigation (HTTP GET) to the listed location in the action field. This may not be desireable, and so an event is dispatched within open documents in the PWA whose default behavior can be prevented:

window.addEventListener("action", (e) => {
  // Handle the interaction locally, do not navigate:
  // ...
  console.log(e.formData); // empty

Applications frequently want to map actions to user actions in a more generic way. Keyboard accelerators and menu options are mutliple routes for accessing the same functions, however they admit some per-platform diversity. Here's a sketch for how we might enable the same action to be accessible in both places.

  "name": "Frobulator Deluxe",
  "short_name": "Frobulator",


  "actions": [
      "name": "Start",
      "action": "/app/start",
      "method": "GET",

      "keys": {
        "default": { // Shift-Ctrl-S
          "code": "S",
          "ctrlKey": true,
          "shiftKey": true, 
        "macos": {   // Command-S on MacOS
          "code": "S",
          "metaKey": true,

TODO(slightlyoff): describe HTTP response code semantics for success failure

TODO(slightlyoff): outline a DOM API for enabling/disabling items as well as an id concept.

OPEN ISSUE: the reification of these canned menus into DOM <menu>s seems, in some ways, obvious. Should they simply be exposed as DOM hanging off of <head> or document.documentElement in some way?

OPEN ISSUE: global keyboard handling (OS-registered shortcuts that cause an app to be launched even if it's not already running) are not described here as their priority is unclear. Need feedback to understand the importance.

External Assistants

Most of today's voice-driven assistants are, conceptually, form-filler-outers. They are invoked by hotwords and lean on canned sentence structures to fill in the gaps when the required variables aren't provided.

Supporting this style of operation as well as more complex, free-form interaction is a goal of this proposal. To do this, we extend the HTTP-equivalent actions (in the style of Web Share Target) to include POST operations and build in type-awareness based on's vocabulary of extended type hints. There are many open questions as to how these will interoperate.

// A more complex action with a keyboard shortcut, a jumplist, and
// arguments
  "name": "Book A Local Frobulator",
  "short_name": "Book",
  "hotwords": [ "book", "reserve"],

  "action": "/app/book",
  "method": "POST",
  "enctype": "multipart/form-data",
  "params": {
    "location": {
      // We extend the params mapping to allow descriptive phrases for
      // each param. This is necessary for assistant-driven form
      // filling.
      "field": "location",
      "expect": [ "near me", "around me" ],
    "time": {
      "field": "time",
      // TODO: does this make sense?
      "schema": "",
    "time_separator": {
      // Used to construct voice query, not submitted (no `field`)
      "expect": [ "at", "around" ]
  "expect": [ 
    "${params.location} ${time_separator} ${params.time}",
    // ...


Long-Press/Jumplist/Context Menus

We can build on the previous example to outline how some actions might also be surfaced outsie the application context, e.g. in OS-level "jumplists" or "long-press" menus that invoke the service even if it isn't currently running.

TODO(slightlyoff): reconcile this sort of invocation with assistant action filling. E.g., if an assistant would normally POST a full form's worth of data, but a jumplist or hotkey invocation won't, how do we represent these alternative paths? Separate actions with the same name? An optional flag on params?

// A more complex action with a keyboard shortcut, a jumplist, and
// arguments
  "name": "Book A Local Frobulator",
  "short_name": "Book",

  // TODO: does this action `GET` with empty query params when invoked by a
  // kbd shortcut or hotlist/shortcut system?
  "action": "/app/book",
  "method": "POST",

  // ...

  "context-menu": true,
  // Surface in jumplist/long-press? (default `false`)
  "shortcut": true,

  // Icons for a jumplist or long-press UI
  "icons": [
      "src": "/app/images/book-192.png",
      "type": "image/png",
      "sizes": "192x192"

  // ...

Detailed Design Discussion


Open Design Questions

Considered alternatives

Purely Programmatic APIs


References & acknowledgements


We'd like to acknowledge the contributions of: