sliminality / pandoc-theorem

Write LaTeX theorems in Pandoc Markdown
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
75 stars 15 forks source link


A Pandoc filter to convert definition lists into amsthm theorem environments, for compiling to PDF and LaTeX.

The extension supports the following theorem environments:

Supported environment Supported Markdown identifiers
claim Claim
definition Definition, Def
theorem Theorem, Thm
lemma Lemma
proof Proof, Pf
example Example, Ex
assumption Assumption

Note that compilation targets other than PDF and LaTeX have not been tested. Notably, this includes HTML.


Given the following Markdown:

Lemma (Pumping Lemming). \label{pumping}

:   Let $L$ be a regular language. Then there exists an integer $p \geq 1$ called the "pumping length" which depends only on $L$, such that every string $w \in L$ of length at least $p$ can be divided into three substrings $w = xyz$ such that the following conditions hold:

    - $|y| \geq 1$
    - $|xy| \leq p$
    - $xy^n z \in L$, for all $n \geq 0$.

    That is, the non-empty substring $y$ occurring within the first $p$ characters of $w$ can be "pumped" any number of times, and the resulting string is always in $L$.

we transform it into this PDF output:

LaTeX compilation output

equivalent to this LaTeX:

\begin{lemma}[Pumping Lemming] \label{lem}

Let \(L\) be a regular language. Then there exists an integer
\(p \geq 1\) called the ``pumping length'' which depends only on \(L\),
such that every string \(w \in L\) of length at least \(p\) can be
divided into three substrings \(w = xyz\) such that the following
conditions hold:

  \(|y| \geq 1\)
  \(|xy| \leq p\)
  \(xy^n z \in L\), for all \(n \geq 0\).

That is, the non-empty substring \(y\) occurring within the first \(p\)
characters of \(w\) can be ``pumped'' any number of times, and the
resulting string is always in \(L\).



You must have pandoc 2.8 or greater installed and available in your PATH.

If you are on pandoc 2.11 or later, you can either download a prebuilt binary from the Releases page, or clone and stack install this repository, which copies the pandoc-theorem-exe binary to your global Stack install location.

cd pandoc-theorem
stack install

Check that pandoc-theorem-exe is in your PATH:

> which pandoc-theorem-exe
/Users/slim/.local/bin/pandoc-theorem-exe # or a different path

Older versions of pandoc

You may need to build from source to use this filter with earlier versions of pandoc.

You can use the provided alternate stack.yaml files:

stack install --stack-yaml="stack.pandoc-2.8.yaml" # 2.8 and 2.9
stack install --stack-yaml="stack.pandoc-2.10.yaml" # 2.10


To use, pass the pandoc-theorem-exe executable as a filter to Pandoc:

# Compile to PDF.
pandoc --filter pandoc-theorem-exe -H header.tex -o output.pdf

# Output LaTeX.
pandoc --filter pandoc-theorem-exe -H header.tex -t latex

Note that you will always need to include the following header file using Pandoc's -H flag:

% examples/header.tex

You can also define these environments directly in the document, using YAML frontmatter to avoid passing -H="header.tex":

title: Glamorous paper

Finally, you can choose to add these environments directly to your chosen template, eliminating the need to define them in every document.


pandoc-theorem repurposes the syntax for definition lists, checking for recognized identifiers.

Theorem (Fermat's Little).

:    If $p$ is a prime number, then for any integer $a$, the number $$a^p - a$$ is an integer multiple of $p$.

In general, the format looks like this:


:    <body>

where <body> is standard Pandoc Markdown (with inline or block formatting), and <term> is one of the following:

<term> ::= <identifier>.
        |  <identifier> (<name>).
        |  <identifier> (<name>). <additional text>

That is, a <term> consists of:

Supported <identifier> values are documented.

Confused about indentation, line spacing, or the : characters? Consult the documentated syntax for Pandoc definition lists.

More examples can be found in the Examples section below.


This repository includes an example Markdown file in examples/ You can explore its output using the following command:

pandoc --filter pandoc-theorem-exe examples/ -H examples/header.tex -o examples/kitchen-sink.pdf

Simple block-level theorem

Theorem (Hedberg).

:   Any type with decidable equality is a set.

Compiled LaTeX PDF for simple block-level theorem

Complex block-level theorem

Lemma (Pumping Lemming). \label{lem}

:   Let $L$ be a regular language. Then there exists an integer $p \geq 1$ called the "pumping length" which depends only on $L$, such that every string $w \in L$ of length at least $p$ can be divided into three substrings $w = xyz$ such that the following conditions hold:

    - $|y| \geq 1$
    - $|xy| \leq p$
    - $xy^n z \in L$, for all $n \geq 0$.

    That is, the non-empty substring $y$ occurring within the first $p$ characters of $w$ can be "pumped" any number of times, and the resulting string is always in $L$.

Compiled LaTeX PDF for complex block-level theorem

Single inline theorem

: By induction on the structure of the typing judgment.

Compiled LaTeX PDF for inline theorem

Multiple inline theorems

Def (Coq).
:   A dependently-typed programming language often used for interactive theorem proving.
:   A video game that doesn't mean you understand the underlying theory, according to Bob.

Compiled LaTeX PDF for multiple inline theorems

Regular definition lists still work

If you do not start a definition list with one of the recognized identifiers, the definition list will compile as usual.

: Bananas
: Lenses
: Barbed wire
Programming language checklist

:     *Strictures:* Does the language have sufficiently many restrictions? It is always easier to relax strictures later on.

:     *Affordances:* Actually, these don't really matter.

Compiled LaTeX PDF for regular Pandoc definition lists


In addition to John MacFarlane's incredible work on Pandoc itself, this filter benefited from the following prior efforts: