slnsw / react-sheet-music

Interactive sheet music component in React
MIT License
38 stars 9 forks source link

React Sheet Music

React component to render interactive sheet music using ABC notation. Powered by ABC JS under the hood.

Work in progress


$ npm install @slnsw/react-sheet-music


import SheetMusic from 'react-sheet-music';

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
      // Textual representation of music in ABC notation
      // The string below will show four crotchets in one bar


Prop Type Description
notation string Textual representation of music in ABC notation
isPlaying boolean If playing, the notes will highlight and onBeat, onEvent and onLineEnd callbacks will run
responsive string Undefined or 'resize'
className string Custom class name to add to sheet music div
onClick function Callback for when any part of the sheet music is clicked on
onBeat function
onEvent function
onLineEnd function


# Install packages for this component
$ npm install
# This builds the component in watch mode
$ npm start

# Open up a new terminal window and go to repo location
$ cd example
# Install packages for example app
$ npm install
# Test out component in app
$ npm start