slothsoft / screeps-script

My scripts for the game Screeps.
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Screeps Script

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My scripts for the game Screeps. The official API is located here.




spawnExplorer(<spawnId>, <flagName>)

An Explorer creeps will go through the following phases (it might skip one or more of them if they are no longer necessary):

Phase Description Mode
gotoFlagRoom creep walks into the room the flag ist in
claimFlagRoom creep walks to the controller and claims it
createSpawn creep creates a new construction side for a base on the flag
buildSpawn creep works as a Builder and constructs the spawn
retire creep gives up its role because it is no longer necessary



Warning Auto Mode Description
Builder is missing. Spawning Builder. If there is at least one construction site, the base needs at least one Builder to work correctly.
Handyman is missing. Spawning Handyman. If there is at least one structure that needs repairing, the base needs a Handyman to work correctly.
Harvester is missing. Spawning Harvester. The base needs at least one Harvester to work correctly.
Roads are missing. I'm building roads. There are some well-traveled tiles without roads (set room.memory.roadManager.visualize to true to see which)
Upgrader is missing. Spawning Upgrader. The base needs at least one Upgrader to work correctly.

Automatic Building

The RoomManager is used to build automatically one building site after the other.

To configure what should be build, copy the memory of the rooms.<room>.roomManager.layout into an editor and replace the regex (.{50}) with $1\n (this will make 50 lines of 50 chars out of the string, instead of the default 50 x 50 char long string.

After changing the values, replace the line breaks with an empty string again.

The layout contains the following characters:

Character Description Can be build?
plain false
~ swamp false
wall false
Ø controller false
© mineral false
source false
o extension false
w buildable wall true
r rampart true
? unknown false

Console Commands

Memory Description
clearConsole() clears the lines of the JavaScript and in-game consoles
fetchOldestCreep(<baseName>) fetches the oldest creep in the world (the one with the lowest ticksToLive); fetches the oldest creep in the base if <baseName> was set
generateLayoutForRoom(<roomName>) creates a editable room layout for the specific room name; overrides existing layouts
makeLinkSource(<id>) makes a link with a specific ID an source
makeLinkTarget(<id>) makes a link with a specific ID an target
moveCreepTo(<creepName>, <gameObjectId>) the creep will go to the game objects and start working there
selfdestruct(<creepName>) the creep will go to the next spawn and recycle itself
spawnCreepForRoom(<roomName>, <roleName>) spawns a new creep in a room with a specific role
spawnExplorer(<spawnId>, <flagName>) spawns a new explorer for a spawn ID and a flag name
spawnMiner(<spawnId>, <sourceId>) spawns a new miner for a spawn ID and a source ID


Documentation on which memory is used for which information. Mandatory elements are bold.

Room Memory

Memory Type Description
base object used to configure the base that started in this room string display name
..outsourceSpawn boolean if true, another base will spawn creeps if this base has no free spawns
..roleConfig object used to configure the creeps in this base
....partsMinMultiplier number used to configure how many parts new creeps have at least
....partsMaxMultiplier number used to configure how many parts new creeps have at most
....showIcons boolean if true, shows icon on top of the creeps
....useSourceAsSource boolean if true, creeps that collect energy from somewhere will use sources as a source (set to false if other creeps mine sources)
....useStorageAsSource boolean if true, creeps that collect energy from somewhere will use storages as a source
....<role> object used to configure a specific role in this base
......requiredNumber number the required number of creeps for this role
console object used to collect config of the console & other GUI elements
..height number height of the console in lines
..x number x coordinate to show the console at
..y number y coordinate to show the console at
..roleInfoX number x coordinate to show the role info at
..roleInfoY number y coordinate to show the role info at
roleInfo object [Not for user!] used to collect information about creeps on this room; overwritten each round
..<role> object used to collect information about the role with the name <role>
....currentNumber number the current number of the role
....requiredNumber number the required number of the role
....symbol number the symbol of the role
roadManager object the configuration for the road manager
..enabled boolean false to disable the road manager for this room
..watchTime number number of ticks the road manager watches the room before deciding what to do
..visualize boolean true to overlay the map with the count of used tiles (see Roads)
..threshold number the threshold for how much a tile has to be used to validate a road
..tick number [Not for user!] if tick gets to watchTime the tile information is stored for future use
..currentTiles string [Not for user!] the used information for each tile that gets updated each tick
..tick number [Not for user!] the information for each tile for the last watchTime ticks
roomManager object the configuration for the room manager
..debug boolean prints the room configuration to the screen
..layout string contains the layout of the entire room's buildings (see Automatic Building)

Structure Memory

Potential all structures can have some memory stored at structures.<id>.

Memory Type Description
debug boolean if true, the structure will print every time it does something
name string human readable name, useful for error message or debugging

Link Memory

Memory Type Description
type string source if link is a source, target if it is a target
transferId string sources and targets of a specific transferId are matched, so you can have multiple source→target pairs per room

Spawn Memory

Memory Type Description
debug boolean if true, the spawn will print each time a creep is spawned

Creep Memory

Memory Role Type Description
debug boolean if true, the creep will print each tick what it is doing
role string the role this creep fulfills (if it is necessary)
home string the base this creep belongs too
moveToGameObject string a game object for the creep to walk to
selfdestruct boolean if true, the creep will go to the next spawn and recycle itself
source string the ID of the source the creep will use; all creeps will wait for this source to refill instead of searching for alternatives
target string the ID of the target the creep will prioritize; depending on the role the creeps will handle invalid targets differently:
  • Builder, Handyman, Harvester & Storekeeper will silently fallback to different targets
  • Courier & Miner will wait till the target becomes valid again
  • Explorer & Upgrader will print an error

Miner Memory

Memory Type Description
source string the source this miner is claiming
homeSpawn string the spawn that created this miner
initialTicksToLive number the ticksToLive this creep had initially
ticksToSource number the ticksToLive when this creep first reached the source
trainedReplacement number if the creep has already trained its replacement

Dev Notes

Courier Implementation

For the question how to implement couriers, two option present itself: routes stored for each room / base, or for each creep.

Room Creep Based
➕ the number of routes and couriers must not be identical ➖ the number of couriers and routes should be identical
➕ better option for respawning - especially if creeps get killed before spawning their replacement ➖ creeps need to spawn their replacement before dying
➕ information stays even if all creepy die ➖ information gets lost if creeps die unexpectedly

Open Tasks

(See Issues)