slub / ocrd_controller

Path to network implementation of OCR-D
MIT License
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OCR-D Controller

Path to network implementation of OCR-D

  1. In the simplest (and current) form, the controller will be a SSH login server for a full command-line OCR-D installation. Files must be mounted locally (if they are network shares, this must be done on the host side running the container).
  2. Next, the SSH server can also dynamically receive and send data.
  3. The first true network implementation will offer an HTTP interface for processing (like the workflow server).
  4. From there, the actual processing could be further delegated into different processing servers.
  5. A more powerful workflow engine would then offer instantiating different workflows, and monitoring jobs.
  6. In the final form, the controller will implement (most parts of) the OCR-D Web API.



Build or pull the Docker image:

make build # or docker pull

Starting and mounting

Then run the container – providing host-side directories for the volumes …

… but also a file KEYS with public key credentials for log-in to the controller, and (optionally) some environment variables

… thus, for example:

make run DATA=/mnt/workspaces MODELS=~/.local/share KEYS=~/.ssh/ PORT=8022 WORKERS=3

General management

Then you can log in as user ocrd from remote (but let's use controller in the following – without loss of generality):

ssh -p 8022 ocrd@controller bash -i

Unless you already have the data in workspaces, you need to create workspaces prior to processing. For example:

ssh -p 8022 ocrd@controller "ocrd-import -P some-document"

For actual processing, you will first need to download some models into your MODELS volume:

ssh -p 8022 ocrd@controller "ocrd resmgr download ocrd-tesserocr-recognize *"


Subsequently, you can use these models on your DATA files:

ssh -p 8022 ocrd@controller "ocrd process -m some-document/mets.xml 'tesserocr-recognize -P segmentation_level region -P model Fraktur'"
# or equivalently:
ssh -p 8022 ocrd@controller "ocrd-tesserocr-recognize -m some-document/mets.xml -P segmentation_level region -P model Fraktur"

Data transfer

If your data files cannot be directly mounted on the host (not even as a network share), then you can use rsync, scp or sftp to transfer them to the server:

rsync --port 8022 -av some-directory ocrd@controller:/data
scp -P 8022 -r some-directory ocrd@controller:/data
echo put some-directory /data | sftp -P 8022 ocrd@controller

Analogously, to transfer the results back:

rsync --port 8022 -av ocrd@controller:/data/some-directory .
scp -P 8022 -r ocrd@controller:/data/some-directory .
echo get /data/some-directory | sftp -P 8022 ocrd@controller

Parallel options

For parallel processing, you can either

Note: internally, WORKERS is implemented as a (GNU parallel-based) semaphore wrapping the SSH sessions inside blocking sem --fg calls within .ssh/rc. Thus, commands will get queued but not processed until a 'worker' is free.


All logs are accumulated on standard output, which can be inspected via Docker:

docker logs ocrd_controller

See also


If you have any questions or encounter any problems, please do not hesitate to contact me.