:microprofile-open-api: https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-open-api/
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= SmallRye OpenAPI
SmallRye OpenAPI is an implementation of {microprofile-open-api}[Eclipse MicroProfile OpenAPI].
== Instructions
Compile and install this project:
=== Project structure
=== Links
=== Configuration Extensions
Property Naming Strategy
Define a naming strategy to be used globally for all schema properties. Set to one of the following:
A standard JSON-B naming strategy (listed in jakarta.json.bind.config.PropertyNamingStrategy
A fully-qualified class name of an implementation of a JSON-B property naming strategy (jakarta.json.bind.config.PropertyNamingStrategy
or javax.json.bind.config.PropertyNamingStrategy
** A fully-qualified class name of an implementation of a Jackson property naming strategy base class (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.PropertyNamingStrategies.NamingBase
). Only the translate
method is utilized.
Removal of unused schemas
Set to true
enable automatic removal of unused schemas from components/schemas
in the OpenAPI model. Unused schemas will be removed following annotation scanning but prior to running any OASFilter
that may be configured. Default value is false
Automatic Schema Inheritance
Configures handling of schema inheritance. Allowed values include NONE
(default), BOTH
disables automatic schema inheritance. Parent class properties will be includes in the properties map of each child class unless @Schema(allOf = { ... })
has been specified on the child class.
enables automatic schema inheritance by placing both the child and parent class within the child schema's allOf
property unless @Schema(allOf = { ... })
has already been specified on the child class. BOTH
processing can be selectively disabled on individual classes by setting @Schema(allOf = void.class)
on the child class and no allOf
will be set on the resulting schema - parent and child properties will be present in the child schema as if NONE
were used.
enables automatic schema inheritance by placing only the parent class within the child schema's allOf
property unless @Schema(allOf = { ... })
has already been specified on the child class. PARENT_ONLY
processing can be selectively disabled on individual classes by setting @Schema(allOf = void.class)
on the child class and no allOf
will be set on the resulting schema - parent and child properties will be present in the child schema as if NONE
were used.
Duplicate Operation ID Behavior
Set to FAIL
to abort in case of duplicate operationIds, set to WARN
to log warnings when the build encounters duplicate operationIds. Default value is WARN
Maximum Static File Size
Set this value in order to change the maximum threshold for processed static files, when generating model from them. If not set, it will default to 3 MB.