smart-cine / smartcine-server

MIT License
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About Application

Project is Cinema Management. The main feature is ordering seat feature with realtime. And System structure of its is micro-service( all services refer to one database). My team use Java just for API. And will use Nodejs for runtime.

Tech used

Spring boot, Spring security, JWT


VNPay e-wallet

Ordering seat realtime feature

Most Applications's ordering seat is just a normal API, if two or more users at the same time request to order just same seat, if the person whose condition good than, they will have that seat, otherwise that person will be in the queue constantly. And myteam's solution is: if a person who pick before, that this seat will lock preventing to other request that want to pick it. if fail, just rollback, and the seat will be available.

Flow of Payment API's activities

The database desgin

LINK: image

Structure of Application


Postman API


In progress


Initial commit