smart-on-fhir / installer

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Building your own SMART on FHIR platform


This installer will create a full SMART on FHIR platform including a FHIR server, an OAuth server, and a SMART launch simulator.

Supported System Architectures

The SMART on FHIR platform will be installed on a single machine in one of the following layouts:

  1. VM Instance Install (ie: an Ubuntu server running on VirtualBox on a developer machine)
  2. Native Install (ie: an Ubuntu server)

More advanced installations are possible by modifying this installer (mainly inventory.yml) but are not supported by our technical team.

Supported Operating Systems

The SMART on FHIR platform is tested on Ubuntu 16.04. Other linux-based systems may require different commands or packages.

SMART on FHIR Platfrom

When complete, you will have a SMART on FHIR platform!

A demo account is created to simulate a practitioner login: demo/demo.

VM Instance Install using VirtualBox

In this install, we are going to build the SMART on FHIR platform on a Ubuntu server running on VirtualBox.


If you have the pip Python package manager installed, the easiest way to install the correct version of Ansible is to run the following:

sudo pip install ansible==

Prepare the host

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
git clone
cd installer

Load the Ansible Galaxy roles

ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml -p ./roles/ --force

Run the Installer

vagrant up

... wait ~20min while everything installs (depending on your Internet connection speed).

You can poke around the virtual machine by doing:

vagrant ssh

And when you're done you can shut the virtual machine down with:

vagrant halt

Native Install on Ubuntu 16.04

In this install, we are going to build a SMART on FHIR platform directly on an Ubuntu 16.04 server.


Prepare the server

From the Ubuntu 16.04 machine:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y install curl git python-pycurl python-pip python-yaml python-paramiko python-jinja2 unzip libwww-perl libdatetime-perl; sudo pip install ansible==; pip install --upgrade pip;
git clone
cd installer

Download the Ansible Galaxy roles

ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml -p ./roles/ --force

Run the site.yml playbook for the local environment

*Note: replace the services_host with your IP address or host name

ansible-playbook site.yml -i "localhost," -c local \
  --extra-vars "env=local installer_user=ubuntu services_host="

Modify the vars for your environment. You will also need to define which set of environment files your deployment is using. We set an inventory property in our Ansible Galaxy inventory such as:

env: "test"

vi environments/{env}.yml

Sensitive properties can be stored in the {env}-secrets.yml files. There is an excellent tutorial here: Ansible Vault Tutorial.

Load the Ansible Galaxy roles

ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml -p ./roles/ --force

Run the Installer

sudo ansible-playbook site.yml

SMART on FHIR Platform Components

The SMART on FHIR platform consists of several open-source systems that together support the SMART on FHIR launch and security specification for apps. These open-source systems are reference systems, meaning they have not been created with the intention of supporting production use cases "out of the box". Please contact each of these open-source projects with further questions.

Functional Role System Name More Information
DSTU2 & STU3 FHIR Server HSPC Reference API
OAuth2 Server HSPC Reference Auth
MITRE Open ID Connect
SMART Launch Simulator HSPC Sandbox Manager
Cardiac Risk App Cardiac Risk App
BP Centiles App BP Centiles App
Growth Chart App Growth Chart App
Sandbox Manager HSPC Sandbox Manager
User Management ApacheDS
Messaging Server HSPC Reference Messaging

Tips and Tricks

AWS Test Configuration

Here is the exact configuration we use to test the installer using an AWS EC2 instance. The ports must all be open for inbound connections in the security group.

Item Value
Instance Type t2.large
AIM Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS
APPS PORTS 9070-9099


By default, the install process will not enable TLS. To enable TLS for specific services, you can set the following variable:

  • use_secure_http: true

What certificates will be used? You have two options:

  1. Set use_custom_ssl_certificates: true and custom_ssl_certificate_path: /path/to/cert/dir. For an example, see our testing server settings. And for an example of what the directory layout should look like, see here.

  2. If you set use_custom_ssl_certificates: false, the installer will generate self-signed SSL certificates. Please note that with self-signed certificates, you will get a number of trust warning in your web browser that can be resolved by adding certificate exceptions in your browser, or updating your CA list on a client by client basis. Before you even try the apps, you should probably load the API server and add the self-signed certificate to your browser's security exceptions.

Sample data

By default, the server will load data for only 20 sample patients. To automatically load the entire set of ~60 samples patients, you can update your inventory to increase this limit:

Log Files

The installer creates servers that log to the journal. You can view the journal logs using this command:

Use the -f option tail the logs.


The installer creates several aliases that can be used to help you manage and navigate the sandbox system.

You can see the aliases by typing "alias" from the command prompt. The aliases are defined in the ~/.bash_profile file.

ubuntu$ alias

These aliases are helpful to navigate the most important folders.

alias f='cd $hosting_user_home'
alias i='cd $installer_project_home'
alias n='cd $NGINX_SITES'
alias s='cd $SERVICE_HOME'

These aliases are helpful for starting services.

alias startn='sudo service nginx start'
alias stopn='sudo service nginx stop'

These aliases are helpful for viewing (ex: v...) or tailing (ex: t...) different service logs.

alias tapi='sudo journalctl -f -u api-dstu2-server.service'
alias tapi='sudo journalctl -f -u api-stu-server.service'
alias tauth='sudo journalctl -f -u auth-server.service'
alias tmsg='sudo journalctl -f -u messaging-server.service'
alias tpwm='sudo journalctl -f -u pwm-server.service'
alias tsand='sudo journalctl -f -u sandbox-manager-server.service'
alias vauth='sudo journalctl -u auth-server.service'
alias vmsg='sudo journalctl -u messaging-server.service'
alias vpwm='sudo journalctl -u pwm-server.service'
alias vsand='sudo journalctl -u sandbox-manager-server.service'

Windows Notes

  • Windows Note: Ansible is not supported on Windows. If you want to build a SMART on FHIR VM on Windows, you should create a VM instance for Ubuntu 16.04 and perform a please use the version of the installer which runs Ansible on the guest machine instead of using the one on the host OS. To enable this mode, please edit Vagrantfile by commenting out the "ansible" provisioner and enabling second "shell" provisioner before running vagrant up. An alternative options is to follow the instructions in the "Building SMART-on-FHIR on fresh Ubuntu 16.04 machine (without Vagrant)" section in this document.

  • Windows Note: The default installation of GIT on Windows enables a LF to CRLF conversion upon checkout which is going to mess up the install. You will need to make sure that this conversion is disabled by running:

    git config --global core.autocrlf false