smart-on-fhir / smart-scheduling-links

Clinical Appointment Slot Discovery
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SMART Scheduling Links

What if booking clinical appointments looked more like booking airline tickets?

Draft proposal for discussion

Lightweight, scalable appointment booking API

"SMART Scheduling Links" is a standards-based specification enabling patients to:

  1. find appointment slots using an appointment booking tool of their choice, searching by geography, specialty, health system, etc
  2. follow a deep link into the provider's booking portal, to book a specific slot
  3. complete a booking, e.g., by providing details, answering questions, or submitting referral documentation

We are parsimonious in our use of standards, so that:

Roles and responsibilities

This specification defines four functional roles:

Is the UX good enough?

Examining the SMART Scheduling Links workflow described above, there are some potential user-experience challenges:

In other words, compared with a deeply-integrated scheduling paradigm where a booking tool could guide the user through every step of the process, SMART Scheduling Links provides a more loosely-coupled user experience. But we have strong evidence that this is a viable UX trade-off, because it works just like a very familiar and highly successful booking system...

Analogy: airline booking

Cross-industry standards analogies can sometimes be misleading -- but to build up an intuition, it's worth comparing the SMART Scheduling Links workflow with the consumer airline booking experience. Briefly: the Slot Discovery Client plays the same role as a travel booking tool like KAYAK or Hipmunk. These systems help their users search for relevant options across multiple service providers, and help users evaluate trade-offs among these options. Once the user makes a selection, a deep link takes them to a service provider to complete the workflow. The Provider Booking Portal plays the same role as an airline like United or Delta. These systems manage user accounts and enable a booking-completion workflow. They also serve as gatekeepers, e.g. to collect data about a user's background as well as identifiers such as a Known Traveler Number or redress number. They can "call off" the workflow at any point (e.g., if a user is unable to provide the required information, or if a previously-available slot has been booked by another user).

This pattern works well in airline booking, and could dramatically reduce the difficulty of healthcare appointment booking.