smartalock / wireguard-lwip

WireGuard Implementation for lwIP
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WireGuard Implementation for lwIP

This project is a C implementation of the WireGuard® protocol intended to be used with the lwIP IP stack


There is a desire to use secure communication in smaller embedded devices to communicate with off-premises devices; WireGuard® seems perfect for this task due to its small code base and secure nature

This project tackles the problem of using WireGuard® on embedded systems in that it is:

Code Layout

The code is split into four main portions

Crypto Code

The supplied cryptographic routines are written entirely in C and are not optimised for any particular platform. These work and use little memory but will probably be slow on your platform.

You probably want to swap out the suplied versions for optimised C or assembly versions or those available throught the O/S or crypto libraries on your platform. Simply edit the crypto.h header file to point at the routines you want to use.

The crypto routines supplied are:

Integrating into your platform

You will need to implement a platform file that provides four functions

lwIP Code Example

(note error checking omitted)

#include "wireguardif.h"

static struct netif wg_netif_struct = {0};
static struct netif *wg_netif = NULL;
static uint8_t wireguard_peer_index = WIREGUARDIF_INVALID_INDEX;

static void wireguard_setup() {
    struct wireguard_interface wg;
    struct wireguardif_peer peer;
    ip_addr_t ipaddr = IPADDR4_INIT_BYTES(192, 168, 40, 10);
    ip_addr_t netmask = IPADDR4_INIT_BYTES(255, 255, 255, 0);
    ip_addr_t gateway = IPADDR4_INIT_BYTES(192, 168, 40, 1);

    // Setup the WireGuard device structure
    wg.private_key = "8BU1giso23adjCk93dnpLJnK788bRAtpZxs8d+Jo+Vg=";
    wg.listen_port = 51820;
    wg.bind_netif = NULL;

    // Register the new WireGuard network interface with lwIP
    wg_netif = netif_add(&wg_netif_struct, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gateway, &wg, &wireguardif_init, &ip_input);

    // Mark the interface as administratively up, link up flag is set automatically when peer connects

    // Initialise the first WireGuard peer structure
    peer.public_key = "cDfetaDFWnbxts2Pbz4vFYreikPEEVhTlV/sniIEBjo=";
    peer.preshared_key = NULL;
    // Allow all IPs through tunnel
    peer.allowed_ip = IPADDR4_INIT_BYTES(0, 0, 0, 0);
    peer.allowed_mask = IPADDR4_INIT_BYTES(0, 0, 0, 0);

    // If we know the endpoint's address can add here
    peer.endpoint_ip = IPADDR4_INIT_BYTES(10, 0, 0, 12);
    peer.endport_port = 12345;

    // Register the new WireGuard peer with the netwok interface
    wireguardif_add_peer(wg_netif, &peer, &wireguard_peer_index);

    if ((wireguard_peer_index != WIREGUARDIF_INVALID_INDEX) && !ip_addr_isany(&peer.endpoint_ip)) {
        // Start outbound connection to peer
        wireguardif_connect(wg_net, wireguard_peer_index);

More Information

WireGuard® was created and developed by Jason A. Donenfeld. "WireGuard" and the "WireGuard" logo are registered trademarks of Jason A. Donenfeld. See for more information

This project is not approved, sponsored or affiliated with WireGuard or with the community.


The code is copyrighted under BSD 3 clause Copyright (c) 2021 Daniel Hope (

See LICENSE for details


Daniel Hope at Smartalock